Discussion: Mitch McConnell Takes Credit For Economic Turnaround

Turtle-Boy seems to hav had a great first day from the sound of it. :smile:

Bingo. We have a winner. Here’s a suggestion - next time around Democrats should actually run for something instead of running away from issues.


Typical Republican bullshit.

President Obama can’t take credit for getting Osama bin Laden but it is his fault when Special Forces fails in meeting their objective in Yemen and 13 people die. And of course the failure of Lehman Brothers was all Obama’s fault but he had no part in the economic recovery of the last six years.

Go fuck yourself Mitch.


It’s the same old bagger BS that the repugs have been doing for years, For everything that turned out to be bad or had a negative impact, it’s always the "multicultural’ progressives fault for putting out their failed policies. For everything that’s good or had a positive impacts it’s always the ‘all-american patriotic’ conservatives that made it happen. Label McConnell’s comments for what they are, 100% pure Bagger bullshit.

You should take this chart to were you bought gas yesterday and ask them for the reason for the increase!


When the chart below appears, click on 5d at the bottom and you’ll see what the price of gas did yesterday!


Considering that everyone, and that means Democrats, Republicans and the Obama administration alike, has complained about a do nothing Congress for about most of the past 6 years, NONE of the above can claim any credit on the economic recovery. NONE!

To those who none the less makes that claim I’ll say: ‘Hahahahahahahahahahaha’!!!

To be fair look at what that purity policy has gotten them, one of the most conservative congresses in recent history. Sure they might have taken control sooner if they had moderated, but that congress probably wouldn’t have been populated with as many hard right-winger nuts as the one they currently control and they probably wouldn’t have been able to drag the conversation as far to the right as they have. This despite policy positions that actively screw most of the population.
There has to be some middle ground for the Democrats between out-right wing-nuttery purity and “so long as you’ll caucus with us we’ll take you.” And Democrats would have the benefit of ideas that stand to actually help the majority of people in the country, although that is offset a bit by our worthless media.

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Well then - you must be very satisfied that “our” Blue Dogs are history.

Thank you!!!

I also drank a lot during the Bush years, so I may be the hazy one, but didn’t most of the bailout stuff happen before the election? I seem to remember McCain suspending his campaign and skipping out on Letterman to solve the crisis.


Does mcturdle really think anyone but the ignorant right wing would believe such idiocy?

Even fux channel confirms it…



That’s some chupatz after he said his # 1 priority in the middle of the recession, was to make the president a one timer. Repugs are absolutely pathetic. they do NOTHING for six years and now want credit. Frack you.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Kudos.

“Obama himself highlighted some of the economic recovery at his end of year press conference in December”

About. Fucking. Time. I love his subtlety. I love his ability to play adult-in-the-room. I love his ability to weave ROPE the GOP/Teatrolls think looks like the newest fashionable bola tie they can’t wait to tie around their necks. And yet, because I love his ability to get up behind a podium and almost make you cry with how well he can stir emotion and motivate and change hearts and minds, I also HATE his refusal to ever take the gloves off. Now’s the time…and if he wants to do it slowly, one finger at a time, baiting the GOP/Teatrolls into leaning forward for the eventual pimp slap he delivers, that’s fine…but it NEEDS to start fucking happening.




I see. So the economy sucks under Obama, but it’s also doing great thanks to Republicans.

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That’s just what Romney was planning to do! Look at what he predicted IF he won: everything that Obama has just accomplished, and better than what Romney was predicting (R knew that Obama’s policies were on course to get us there).

But fascist types are this same way the world over: they kick out those who have made real progress, take credit for what others have done, and then do nothing more. They never have a single idea of their own.


Im surprizes he didn’t take credit for Obama care. When they do they will call it the “affordable care act”.

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No, it’s worse. McConnell and the R’s absolutely know for certain why the economy is rebounding, and they did everything in their power to stop it. The only goal was making Obama look bad.

Now that Obama’s policies have succeeded despite their obstructionism, they switch gears and pretend they are due all the credit, cheered on by conservative media. They know millions Americans will stare at the TV screen, slack-jawed and nod, then vote Republican.


Gotta agree.
A smart move would have been an email months ago touting job growth and economic recovery and then warning that the GOP would try to take credit for it. This would have given McConell and the GOP pause before fixing their fucking mouths and trying to take credit for the turnaround.
I mean, many of us knew the Republicans would come out with talking points that they are the cause of things looking good for us again since they can’t really complain the economy. Why didn’t the Democratic Party?

Get out ahead of things instead of waiting. Be on the offense for a change. That’s how you beat the GOP at their own game.

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