Discussion: Loretta Lynch To Accept Prosecutors' Call On Clinton Email Case

This is such a non-story.


Jeezus, Bill.


This is one of the reasons BC is so annoying to me. He feels entitled to screw up the lives of others, no matter what the consequences. I just wish he would go find a seat and stay in it. He’s not helping!


It’s AP. AP and the NYT are obsessed with the email story. Even to the point of repeated correction of several published articles because they were so in a rush to go to press, they didn’t get their facts straight. And the current AP article’s alluded to backlash was, as far as I could discern, rwnj radio talk hosts.

This is the last and final Hillary email post that yours truly will click on unless she actually gets indicted on a charge. And that is extremely unlikely.

Legal Experts And Media Say Clinton Likely Will Not Be Indicted

Scroll about 1/4 way down.

Edit. Oh, and fuck “optics”
Edit 2. I’m just not going to encourage, with my participation, this “Clinton Rules” email cottage industry any more.


Ken Starr isn’t busy anymore.

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Even if Bill Clinton’s meeting was completely above board, it was a really stupid thing to do (he KNOWS the media will turn it into a controversy regardless). That’s just the kind of dumb shit Bill does, though. It’s weird how he at times seems like he’s actively sabotaging his wife’s campaign. He didn’t do stuff like that when he was campaigning for Obama.


Loretta Lynch To Accept Prosecutors’ Call On Clinton Email Case

“OK, you can tell them I’m back from lunch now…”

Honestly, screw the AP and this shit. You have the GOP going ape shit on Bill Clinton because he most likely said “hello” to Lynch and you have Trump with his mountain of FEC violations, lawsuits, and even a sexual assault case. Do your job reporters and stop trying to milk every last word out of this email story.


No, it isn’t. Imagine a well-connected husband of an accused woman going to speak to the administrative judge of the court overseeing the prosecution of the man’s wife. Or such a man going to see the administrative prosecutor of the department that is handling the investigation. It may be innocent or may not be, but Lynch should have said no to his invitation or recorded the 30-minutes.

This is bad form, and it basically underscores what many Americans feel about the administration of justice in the US; the well-connected can do what they want and the rest of us get the hammer. Don’t be surprised if Lynch gets called before the Senate Judiciary committee and grilled about it; she should. It was a dumb idea for Atty. Gen. Lynch to have allowed Bill Clinton to board her plane for a 30-minute conversation while the Justice Dept. is investigating his wife. It gives the appearance of impropriety, and special access.


WTF are you talking about??

What’s the story here? If we don’t know what was discussed, why is this considered “news”? Give it a f*cking break already. Jeez.

EDIT TO ADD: The reason I am so pissed at this is because, of all the things to get excised over, this isn’t one of them.

This was not a “meeting.” For all I know, he could have been shooting he sh*t with her and her husband at the airport while waiting for a plane. And as for “optics”? That’s just absurd. The only optics to be seen here are the ones that are manufactured. No “there” there.


Yes it is.

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Sir, this ain’t RedState. They’re over there, towards the right.


I love bubba, but they need to send him out of the country for a coupla months. What a dumb F&*&%$ move.


Bill Clinton could have noticed her from 10,000 yards away, smiled and nodded and there would still be bib-dribbling and spoon-clanging about him “not helping” or giving chum to right wing media whores.


Lynch should have politely refused Clinton’s request for this meeting.


Oh, but they are doing their job, and are abetted by the fearful Democrats (those two words go together like flies on poop) who wring their hands at every turn and throw in some general flailing for good measure.

Our Media Glitterati have a narrative to push, and since they’re nostalgic for the 90s, everything is a scandal waiting to happen. A demonstration of “the Clinton way,” and then marveling at “look how negative Hillary’s numbers are!” when it’s all they push.


“Loretta Lynch To Accept Prosecutors’ Call On Clinton Email Case”

As opposed to…doing what?


Lynch told reporters that she did and Bill Clinton did not discuss the email investigation during the encounter.

And I’ll bet they also did not discuss BENGHAZI!1!1!1! - or Whitewater, or FileGate, or Travelgate, or even the mysterious missing "W"s on every keyboard in the White House in January 2001. Why? Because as always with Clinton ‘scandals’ there’s just no there there. Just a series of nothingburgers explicitly intended to rile up the stupids.

The announcement also appeared intended to assuage concerns, particularly among Republicans, that Lynch — an Obama administration appointee — might overrule any recommendations on criminal charges from the agents and prosecutors who have worked on the case.

That’s funny. How do you “assuage concerns” that are not based in any actual concern for legality, but designed solely to rile up the stupids?

Glad to see that AP will never change. Everything has to have an anti-Clinton/anti-liberal spin, no matter the topic.
Ron Fournier, you built that!


And did you notice that the statement came from one of AP’s “anonymous sources” and is described in the paragraph following as a “revelation” . As you implied, what did AP think was going to happen for this information to be considered a revelation?

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