Discussion: Jeb Complains: Let Me Talk! 'I Got Four Minutes Last Debate'

Discussion for article #242720


Sorry, Jeb. When you’re whining, you’re losing.

Y’all just wait, he’ll be the nominee.

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… and then he was promptly overwhelmed by Kasich. And then Trump got him, again (!), by later saying: “We should let Trump speak!”

And he’ll lose.

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It used to be that you could count on a New England WASP not being a whiner.


If only Jeb!!! was hit by lightning and bitten by a Cobra he could go back in time and kill a time traveling Hitler who rides dinosaurs. That is if he wasn’t killed by a Laser Raptor first.



Doesn’t Jeb! know…everybody hates a crybaby. Sheesh.


Ooh! Ooh! Mr. Kotter!

Pathetic. He continues to demonstrate why people wonder if he is still running.

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“Gov. Bush, almost 40 percent of Americans are without a job, and not looking …”

If I hear this bogus comment about 92 million unemployed Americans one more time – never mind that almost 40 million of them are over 65 and retired, and millions more are 16 and older and in school, millions still are stay-at-home spouses, disabled, or financially independent, and only several million are without work and looking for work – I will reach into the TV and strangle Maria Bartiromo.

YOU SEE? It’s just a figure of speech! I can’t actually reach into the TV and strangle …

What’s the use. I give up.


I love this!

But but but … he’s such a weenie!

Note: And perhaps not the smartest weenie in his family.

Poor Jeb!Ya. He should get together with Jim Webb and commiserate.

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Not real quick on the uptake is JebBush. No one wants to hear him speak, they are ignoring him, he’s a taller version of little George.

Jeb’s probably too late with this Baby Killing initiative to save his campaign, but we want to part-credit him, along with the late comedian Bill Hicks, for our new Kickstarter project, to fund a machine to travel back in time to kill baby Adolf Hiter.

The working title is composed in honor of Hicks (also born in Texas):
Time Slayers: We Travel Back, Hunt Down & Kill Baby Hitler

Right off we’ll need initial seed money to fly around the world to connect with leading experts and other figures. We plan on putting all of them, if necessary, on our board of directors - it depends on how many have the time to spare & as well are passionate about time travel, murdering infants, or preferably both.

For now tho, we’re still focused on the seed money stage. To that end, we’re contracting possible world class ground-breaking ‘name brand’ experts in science, like Michio Kaku, Braine Green [sic?], and Skip Thorn. We initially hoped for Kip Thorne, the physicist who developed those cool graphs on black holes for Interstellar; but it turned out he’s planning on being too busy and didn’t even have enough talk to suggest additional names to us (Fortunately, one of us remembered a physics teacher who substitute taught in junior year prep, with a name that’s close enough.).

In the meantime we’ve been reading some science and related blogs, some (necessarily) speculative, and the overall impression is that the transport hardware side of this project could take awhile, even with a fast-tracking approach. So, in the interim, while all that’s being developed and final tested for use, we plan on hosting & conducting some seminars & maybe a plenary conference on personal ballistics & various options, including on ways to dispatch small, mostly immobile mammals.

Also, we anticipate a significant outflow of capital for an upgrade on video equipment, especially as we may have to utilize YouTube as the video platform for the playing of the execution phase. We’ve been told the most effective way to overcome the host display shortfalls often encountered on YouTube, even by subscription channels, can be through investing in state of the art recording equipment, and all that costs.

Another thought has been to shoot for a tie-in with one or more of the Jeb Bush Campaign SuperPacs. Those are ‘not supposed to’ coordinate with the candidate, so, logically, they’re constantly in need of innovative ideas and angles to promote their guy. One idea we’re batting around is named the discrete project (Once this works, there’ll likely be others.) the Jeb Bush Memorial Take Out, but we’re unsure if this is a strictly allowed use of the term “memorial”.

Also, we may need to be clearer on what, a.k.a. who, Jeb is being associated with ‘taking out’. Someone suggested this concern might be alleviated by importing a well-known graphic(s) or set of them that naturally ties together the candidate (and/or his family), to HItler (and/or his movement) - which means we’d have to expand our budget to encompass additional promotional graphics, and to include a viral campaign.

On the last, we’re hoping for something with a sense of adventure, like, Jon Jonz, Man from Mars. ‘Jeb Bush, Child Slayer’ may SEEM evocative but we’re uncertain as to whether it will contribute sufficiently to the viability of Jeb’s campaign, which we need in order to fully exploit fund-raising & promotional synergies.

Jeb Bush talking to his family after the GOP Debate

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