Discussion: Irving Police Return Ahmed's Clock Days Before Family To Move To Qatar

The summers up here are beautiful, the winters not so much :confused:

But, yes the poiltical climate is all around better, even during Harper’s reign. The cons tried to poison the well, bringing in US style tactics, but they finally got burned. Let’s hope they go back to what I heard used to be the Progressive Conservatives way, i.e. competing on the merits of their ideas.

Absolutely, US visitors are always welcome, your loss though, less dollars spent in the US and Americans can keep voting in the US anyway even while living up here.

My wife’s American and a reliable Democratic voter, added bonus last US residence was in a swing state (I am German, so I only get to cheer from the sidelines).

You have been told before that this claim of yours is simply false. It’s really unbelievable how obstinate you can be in repeating things that have been proven not to be true. Once more from the top, buddy, here’s the fucking police chief describing the outcome of the incident: “The follow-up investigation revealed the device apparently was a homemade experiment, and there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm,” Boyd said, describing the incident as a “naive accident.”

I know I’m wasting my time talking to you. That’s why I only do it occasionally. But your ability to deny the obvious is like watching the Python’s dead parrot sketch—it’s kind of fascinating.

In your early posting, you cited Al Jazerra, as well as Putin’s own Russia Today and a mind bending Trotskyite organization for your argument that the US is like Nazi Germany, and that the Arab states are a preferable place to live. I think most Americans - including Muslim Americans - would find your views quite bizarre, but because (I assume) you live in America, you are certainly entitled to them. You are also entitled to your citations, but others are entitled to know what they are, even if you try to ignore them in your later postings.

And once again you missed the entire point with your long-winded bullshit. But that’s to be expected. You’ve been trying to discredit this entire family since the end of September with anecdotal challenges that fail to accept the basic truth of the incident. I don’t know why you’ve got a bug up your ass about Ahmed, but the events that precipitated the family’s sudden insertion into the national spotlight are not open for debate.

And yet you debate them anyway.

What the hell are you babbling about? I cited ThinkProgress, CNN and Newsweek in addition to the links you feel are beneath you. (Once again you fail to count past 3.) And despite your obvious Islamophobia, which gets more blatant with every posting, Al Jazeera is an outstanding news service. But, yes, it does have an Arabic name, so you choose to dismiss it – for the most petty of reasons. For the last 4 comments you haven’t made a single worthwhile point. You’ve accused me of not being Jewish and tried to ignore every link based solely on your ignorance about legitimate sources. I suggest you try making a substantive point or just shut the fuck up already.

The Chief also said that the device was “certainly suspicious” (he used those exact words), and said that his officers acted properly, including the arrest of Ahmed for being combative, etc.

So, then why is this a national story? According to the police chief you cited, the kid had a suspicious device, was not forthcoming and was in fact combative, and was properly arrested. So there was no false arrest, the police did what they should have done. So, what’s the problem?

The father does that all by himself, and he was likely behind this. Anyone who engages Terry Jones is an asshole. That makes the father an asshole.

I refuse to discuss anything with a person who makes up his evidence and continually offers his opinions as facts.

He was described as “non-responsive” and “passive aggressive”, which I would call similar to combative. But if you want me to stick to being precise, he was “non-responsive” and “passive aggressive”. The parents could prove he was not by just releasing the records of the interviews…but they have refused to for some reason…

Police also continue to say “He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.” All he had to say was “I made it because…”, but he refused to. And Ahmed’s own words were that he put a cable around it so it “would not look suspicious” (his words). So he himself admitted that what he made was suspicious. This is quote on video from him.

Might want to confront the author and headline write on that. The article is written to give the impression the police closed the investigation a few days ago and “finally” gave his device back to him. The reality is that the police closed the investigation a couple of days after the incident (over 5 weeks ago), and told him at that time he could pick the device up any time during the day. For some reason, they never picked it up, even though Ahmed said he wanted to bring it to the White House to show Obama. Gee, I wonder why?

The kids father is Islam’s version of Terry Jones, and is a bad influence on his kid.

Why thank you sir or mam, I was holding my breath waiting for you approval. Yes there are lots of things standing in my way, mostly called "family, friends and my opinion of myself if I should decide to turn my back on what little drops in the bucket I can make here or leave.

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