Discussion: How Far Will He Go? The 5 Biggest Questions About Trump's Immigration Plan

Worth the watch. Slavoj ZIzek back-pedals on his Trump support. Eases up on critique of Democratic establishment failures.

The promise: Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
The reality: Never let the marks have the dangle.


Too little and too late.

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Personally, I don’t see much changing on this front.

Immigration, like religion, is a tool for votes. Any serious work would involve time and money, which is death to most programs.

Besides, everyone seems to be looking at ACA’s destruction, immigration is taking a back seat.

Of course, when the next terrorist attack comes, erase everything I just said above.

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Mass deportations are the only thing here I could see being a no-go. It’s the one thing that’d be too stupid and infeasible for even the most hard-right Republican lawmakers (but honestly, I really don’t even know anymore). The optics of a mass purge would destroy any and all credibility the U.S. has left with both the world and many of its own citizens, and logistically it’d be close to impossible. The wall I could see getting scaled way back to where it’s functionally useless, a tremendous waste of money but sold to the GOP base as a fully closed border in the short term, and remembered as a domestic policy joke in the history books. Sadly, Trump and our Nazi-lite Republican lawmakers are going to have to deliver on something (like the position they’ve put themselves in with the ACA), and DREAMers, H-1B Visa holders and refugees are relatively easy enough targets to make somebody’s lives miserable in order to give Trump’s base the hate boners they’re always asking for.


As you say, feral trumpers are going to demand that there is at least one spectacle of mass deportations to satiate their blood lust. For them, if there’s even ONE person of Mexican descent within their view, then the country is being overrun.

Industries such as construction and agriculture will fight it tooth and nail. As it is, those two sectors are having difficulty because of lack of available labor.


I think whether it is from the President-elect or the transition team, the details have been few and far between.

Perhaps it’s because the President-elect and the transition team don’t have a clue about what they’re going to do. They’ve made all sorts of promises, but to carry them out would take vast amounts of money, would require changes in the law, and/or would cripple the economy.


The problem with walls:

As long as the peso is at record lows against the dollar, immigration will increase dramatically no matter what Trump does. His border tax will also increase immigration because of lost job opportunities in Mexico.

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Trump promised a lot of things he can’t deliver, but the one thing he can do and the reason most people in his base voted fro him was cracking down on immigrants and destroying the economy of Mexico. The poor dreamers are in for a very rough awakening.

You will see a ‘show’ of some sorts played out to satiate the desire for innocent blood demanded by the drooling anti-immigrant racists and bigots who voted for Cheeto Mussolini. Can or will the Trumpenzstaffel deport millions. No way. But they will put on a sideshow and terrorize the immigrant community in a number of ways, and they will do it simply for show.


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I don’t think Trump can actually go that far. The US took in tremendous amounts of money from the savings sprees of developing nations, especially China and others in Asia, as well as the oil producing countries. This money, if we see a similar cynical bubble deflating as in the dot-com bubble, would be disproportionately affected, creating some very bad blood. Now he might jerk around migrants from less wealthy countries, but again, how’s that supposed to happen if at the same time he unleashes a massive infrastructure stimulus. There’s a billion guys out there ready to do construcción for $25 an hour, even $15. The last baby boomers were born in 1964 and should start hitting retirement in just a few years. That means a) robots or b) importing workers.

The H1-B visa program is not used to bring in “top talent”. Instead it is used to fire Americans and replace them with cheap unskilled labor with the added benefit of lowering wages for those who didn’t lose their jobs. It is even worse for the consultant business (which I am in) where it is almost impossible to get a contract because American companies in my industry (insurance) won’t hire Americans or other American companies insisting that only foreign companies are allowed to get the contracts.
I know because I spent a total of 6 years out of work between 2002 and 2014. I am fortunate to be working now but for the same rate I was making in 1999.

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So they are hiring cheap unskilled labor as insurance industry consultants?

Your story makes no sense.

Anyone else think this silence may be a harbinger for a harsh crackdown? How many times has Trump said that the president shouldn’t warn people about what he’s going to do in the military arena? I’m thinking that logic could apply to large scale immigration raids too.

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I’m thinking that it all comes down to votes. If they kick out the registered and potentially registered and their children that are future voters then threaten any new immigrants with either voting Republican or staying in their state of birth.
Then they’ve eliminated a huge block of the opposition without ever casting or blocking a vote.

Repubs love the cheap labor and Trumpsky Vonn Deportsky doesn’t exactly have an All-American work force.

Nope, this is their way of leveling the playing field.

Id like to see the H1b visa program go away b/c it undermines wages and displaces skilled US workers. Mass deportations…no …those with criminal histories yes…muslims…no except those here illegally then again this could be part of the ending of the H1b program i mentioned before. Deportation of the supply of people willing to work at jobs that US workers wont take take?..how about going after the GD companies that knowingly hire and retain workers they know are here illegally? Hell that could pay for the securing of the southern border…

We’ve actually been sued by US firms after awarding huge infrastructure to offshore companies that use foreign labor and chinese steel…

In our case there NOT unskilled workers…they come from influential families and are educated here and later take work here and become citizens…

Most Americans are totally ignorant about the work visas. Clearly you have had your eyes opened.

The H-1B brings in cheap-ass low-skilled scabs. They are used to take jobs from college grads. They replace highly qualified IT/STEM workers (Disney, Toys-R-India, Caterpillar, etc etc etc). If you are about 35-40, you are at the age that the H-1B will be used to replace you. It is, as Norm Matloff has argued, a mechanism for age discimination. It also is a vehicle for gender discrim (Indians hate women, and will not work with them) and race discrim (Indians hate blacks and won’t work with them).

I have a source inside a credential checking firm, and this source is constantly appalled by the scum resumes that the source sees.

There are also other visas, that most Americans are not aware of. J-1: 500,000 summer jobs and also high-tech jobs. L-1: 2,000,000 temporary (3 month) workers. B-1: 8,000,000 (yes, that number is correct) offshore workers. F-1/OPT: hundreds of thousands of college kids with extended time in this country after the degree.


The numbers of the visas are tabulated by the State Department:

In 2016, there were 10,891,745.

These include a mix of tourist and work visas. The B-1 in particular mixes them together.

The table has a footnote, that the count DOES NOT INCLUDE VISA RENEWALS.