Discussion: GOP Rep On Vaccines: An 'Oppressive State' Shouldn't Tells Us What To Do

This outbreak of stupidity is terrifying.


Weā€™re here, folks, weā€™ve finally arrived at the point we were aiming at. At this point in our once-proud republicā€™s history, so-called conservatives will immediately say that anything Obama, a Democrat, or a perceived liberal says is completely wrong, no matter how obviously correct it might seem to a sane person. Remember when we said that if Obama said donā€™t jump off bridges, theyā€™d all start talking about how many people have safely jumped off bridges and the bridges in flyover country arenā€™t the same as bridges in big cities and who is the government to decide for me where and how I should jump and off what, the Constitution says nothing about bridges and on and on?

Weā€™re here. It has literally happened. Unbelievable. SMDH.


blah. blah. blah. blah ā€œoppresive stateā€ ā€¦ said the man who doesnā€™t want women to have access to legal abortions, people of the same sex to have the right to marry, poor people to have access to things like health care or housing ā€¦ blah, blah, blah

Apparently thereā€™s something nasty in the water in Wisconsin and thereā€™s no damned vaccine to stop it from infecting the politicians there.

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I saw that YouGov poll linked to at TPM yesterday, the one that shows people under 30 are split in half on the question of whether vaccines should be ā€œmandatory,ā€ but I confess that Iā€™m otherwise confused by the politics behind all of this.

This morning I paid a visit to Conservatives4Palin to see if there was commentary on the anti-vaxx stuff, and there was . . . but those folks have identified lefty ā€œCaliforniaā€ types as being responsible for this movement. Which, sure: thereā€™s some of that. (Some also blamed unvaccinated immigrants, so you can see where some people might want to head with that argument.) And the C4P folks are anti-Big Government, as youā€™d suspect, though theyā€™d also argue that theyā€™re not Libertarians (theyā€™re really suspicious of Paul and Walker). But, because the demographic there skews to the well-past-60 end of the spectrum, they mostly seem to think that vaccines are a good idea.

My point is that Iā€™m not so sure that being ambivalent on the question of vaccinations is going to play well to the Tea Party baseā€“or, at least, to the older segments of the baseā€“unless the larger goal is really to exploit the dis-ease some have with government intrusion into health care decisions. Anyway, itā€™s all very strange to me.

OH but the Bible says ā€¦ā€œspare the rod, spoil the child.ā€

(I DO know the Bible does not say that ā€¦ just more of the made up bull shit these idiots spew forth every time they speak.)

In an another place, these people would be known as Talibans.


Sean Duffy = male version of Michele Bachmann


So lets let all the RWingers and their families opt out of vaccinations. Problem should cure itself in a few years. Culling of the herd sort of thing.

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Is there a vaccine for stupid. Apparently a raging epidemic is underway in Red America.

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When infrastructure meets ODS.

I knew this country was on the downside of the mountain. I just didnā€™t think the fall would be so fast.

These are the people who rule us.

Sean ā€œIā€™m a fucking moronā€ Duffy doesnā€™t want an ā€œoppressive stateā€ mandating vaccinations to protect children and society at large.

But heā€™s perfectly fine with having that ā€œoppressive stateā€ force women to give birth against their will, preventing loving same-sex couples from marrying their longtime partners, gutting clean air and water regulations, taking food from the mouths of poor children by ending the SNAP program, ending SS payments for the disabled, making sure that poor people canā€™t get Medicaid, cutting funding for education, and allowing veterans to live in the street because of cuts to services they need.

Heā€™s such a fine, upstanding right-wing asshole.


Ah Wisconsin. The Mississippi of the North where stupidity rules and itā€™s always 1984: ā€œIgnorance is Knowledge!ā€ ā€œSlavery is Freedom!ā€, "The State is OPPRESSIVE and I oppose it! (ignoring that YOU are ā€œThe Stateā€ you moron.)


You speak truer than you know: In Taliban-controlled areas of Pakistan, polio is making a reappearance because the Taliban has disrupted the vaccination programs there on the pretext that such programs constitute Western interference with local matters.


ā€œWe should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do.ā€ said the GOP politician as he was adjusting the mirror on his sonā€™s iron lung so he could see the TV set. The GOP politician then said he is convinced that his son would rather be confined to the iron lung with polio rather than give up his freedom to refuse being vaccinated.

I canā€™t believe that this guy got re-elected after complaining about his ā€œmeaslyā€ salary. I would say that people who elected him in his district deserve whatever they get - but they inflicted this dufus onto to the rest of the country.

The Dems need to step it up big time in 2016. We need a WAVE election.


I have yet to meet an anti-vaxer who isnā€™t a repig.

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actually, it is because the cia subverted the inoculation program and used it to look for osama bin laden.



But preventing homosexuals from being married isnā€™t part of an oppressive state telling people what to do, thatā€™s just Freedomā„¢ at work!

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