Discussion: GOP Candidate Didn't Prosecute Lawyer Who Deleted Files Related To Scott Walker Investigation

Discussion for article #228640

From where I sit Wisconsin looks like a hopeless sewer of corruption


Isn’t this the guy who said he would defend a ban on interracial marriage if it was still around…I guess he doesn’t actually buy the spiel he gave about upholding and defending the law.


“I’ve got to stay consistent with that. As the state’s lawyer, it’s not my job to pick and choose.” -Brad Schimel

Or not.


Sewer of corruption? Yes. Hopeless? Hopefully not.

This is the political culture that Reince Preibus built up before heading on to the national stage.

[Edit: Historically, Waukesha County, and the other suburbs surrounding Milwaukee, is where white-flighters from Chicago and Northern Illinois moved to starting back in the 80s. Basically, Illinois took all of their corrupt Republicans, exported them north, and concentrated their power in the Waukesha area. Now we’re stuck with them and have to deal with their anti-Wisconsin values.]


Hey, remember when Republicans were all pissed off and bent out shape when a government official might have deleted some her emails? Ah, fun times.


It was revealed this week that Schimel has also repeatedly used campaign donations to pay for personal expenses, primarily paying other family members to babysit for his children. Wisconsin law is very clear about how political donations may and may not be spent. Apparently, Schimel feels it is his job to “pick and choose” which campaign finance laws he needs to enforce and follow.


His original tactic was to stand in the doorway of a Milwaukee school, shouting “Segregation now, segregation tomorrah, segregation forevah!” And the crowd cheered…honestly, I do despair for the State of Wisconsin. Where do they find the most offensive, ignorant and dangerous candidates for office? Bob LaFollette is spinning in his grave…once again, if you love your country, PLEASE do not vote for any Republican in November. They are destroying this country.


Where do they find these guys? Just ask Reince Priebus. He’s the guy that helped most of them rise to power.


Ol’ Rancid Prepuce is the worst head of a political party in my memory.
Any gains he’s made for Republicans have been gotten by deception, voter suppression, dark money groups, and general right-wing misfeasance.

Those gains are going to prove fleeting, and RRRRRRRRRRRReince is going to become the has-been he deserves to be.

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GOP, the party of law and order.
THEIR law and THEIR order.


Let me get this straight…this is the guy who the other article just said was posturing about believing so strongly that the AG’s role being to uphold the law as written that he would defend a ban on inter-racial marriage and now we’re looking at an article that says he failed to prosecute someone who knowingly and deliberately destroyed evidence immediately relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation? Prosecutorial discretion only goes so fucking far and NOWHERE in the law on the subject does it reference the principle of IOKIYAR.


Again, the GOP runs an “I vas only following ORDERS Mein Herr!” candidate.
On top of that he is PROUD he is a mindless automaton that would do exactly as his Fuehrer decrees.

So, basically, he’ll defend unto his death laws that hurt minorities, but ignore laws which stop him from doing unethical things?


I am praying for you guys to take back your state. I really am.


It’s as if Wisconsin is being run like an organized crime family (The Koch’s are the godfathers)No longer are laws being enforced unless they are against a non Walker ally. If they vote back in this guy and walker Wisconsin deserves the pain it will be receiving.

Such a sad ending to a state that was so progressive once upon a time ago.

I don’t see the conflict. Neither Walker nor Wiesmueller are black.

Easier said than done, my friend. Republicans have successfully corrupted both the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit of Appeals. The (Republican) Wisconsin legislature will simply pass laws making all of this legal, the Governor will sign them, and the courts will rule that the problem is now solved.

Isn’t dictatorial power fun!?

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I once lived in Wisconsin. It was basically a twin of my current state, Minnesota. They couldn’t be much different now. I’m just amazed at how deep corruption has become in Wisconsin.

The really amazing thing is that it’s all happened in just a few years.

This is the same slime that would prosecute Interracial marrige! What a walker piece of dung the tea gops are in WI

Send them home in November!

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