Discussion: Gallup: Trump Approval Rating Now Lower Than Obama, Clinton Records

The weird thing about Trump isn’t that he’s having so much trouble, it is that everything is moving so fast. I’d expect these kinds of poll number after a year or two of mucking things up, not after just a month or two. And, if you consider past history for this kind of thing, the Russia affair is moving very quickly. I’d expect an investigation like the one that is going on now to consume many months (and I still think it will take 2 years to impeach his sorry a$$).

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My sister-in-law is one of that 37%. She thinks that Obamacare is only an insurance policy that the government forces you to buy, or else they force you to pay a penalty if you don’t. She ignores that fact that the expansion of Medicaid kept her daughter’s husband alive two years longer than he otherwise would have lived without it. She does not acknowledge that the ACA mandated essential health benefits in every policy. She’s always had those benefits in her policy, so obviously everyone has always had them in theirs. Even the 20 million people who did not have insurance to begin with! When i try to explain reality to her, she thinks i’m telling her fake news that’s been generated specifically to make Republicans look bad.


W’s record is well in reach for a winner like Herr Drumpf.

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HA!!! :smiley:

Yeah I would LOVE to know more about that. Is it out there on the toobz somewhere?

That one third likely gets their news from the National Enquirer while they’re on a line the Walgreens, after which they go home to watch housewives cavorting.

@tsp Your sister-in-law seems to be regurgitating what she’s learned on Fox News


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I hope her inner self is in as much peace as her outer self appears to be. What might have been.


Having witnessed a whale shitting…that floats (at least for a time) so think lower…much lower.

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How does one observe that, from the poop deck?


:laughing: most definitely a poop deck off the coast of Cape Cod.

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And they all know how Hair Furor bravely and single-handedly caught that Russian spy in the White House.


I see this rag in markets, I try to hide the batch of them somewhere out of sight.

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Don’t forget, this 36 percent is with:
Shiny new president smell.
A still functioning and decent economy.
Before our disastrous involvement in Syria (which is already growing).


Obviously, they meant whining.


This is how the National Enquirer should be treated:


People like your sister in law didn’t come up with all of that on her own. They’ve been told this shit over and over by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and most importantly - a lot of them have been told this by their preachers.

  1. I’m President and you’re not
  2. Failing Gallup
  3. Fake News!
  4. I think they like me
  5. It would be higher without the 3M illegals that were polled

These are my picks for Trump Twitter posts. Someone should do a March Madness version of Trump Tweets.

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i’m shorting trump.

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Because they can not deal with the reality of the situation. They elected a professional con-man who sucks at his job and does not give a damn about anyone other then the 1/100th.

Faced with the naked TRUTH in capital letters Trump Supporters will keep making excuses rather than surrender to the reality of the situation.

The alternative would lead to madness.

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