Discussion: Former Fiorina Staffer: I'd Rather Go To Iraq Than Join Campaign For Prez

Her bare-knuckle skills, complete lack of principles and double joints could make her a contender if Musical Chairs would be adopted as the 1st debate format…

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Funny, I thought it already did.

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Now there was a prima facie loser of a commercial if ever there was one. A high school kid would veto its employment on first sight and have all copies destroyed. Candidate and staff both miserably incompetent.


That depends. Do you think boiler rooms count as actual businesses?

The no pay was doable. It was seeing her before her make-up and morning coffee…(shudder!)

It’s as if Fiorina has no clue that people actually go to work in order to earn a paycheck to live on!

I guess to her it’s all some big ego/PR game where the whole point is to “win” something?

Fiorina, who's worth an estimated $120 million, didn't pay high-ranking staffers who worked on her failed 2010 bid for California Senate for more than four years, Reuters found, and she only settled the debts just months before she launching her presidential campaign.

She probably would have reneged on the Mayflower Compaq too.

Meg Whitman, no longer on the radar screen, is the wealthiest woman in tech, and she ran against Jerry Brown for governor of California, spent $177M of her personal fortune, and he spent $36M and won. Something about having CEO after their names makes them think they’re omnipotent.


This story is as perfect an allegory for Republicans’ attitude towards workers as anything I’ve ever read; workers are to be exploited at little or no pay for personal financial enrichment.


It’s really amazing how adults can be faced with decisions that have humongous neon signs blinking “DO NOT DO THIS” attached to them, and then still do them. With decision-making abilities like that, just imagine what Fiorina would do as President.


“Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time.”

– George Carlin


I sat on several of my local school board committees. People appointed to these meetings fell into one of three camps; teachers, parents, and those deemed to be successful businessmen (it was always men) from the community.

These businessmen had often not stepped inside our schools in years, but they were always sure they could fix whatever problems we were tasked to tackle. The problem, one the executives could never grasp, was that you can’t apply the same paradigms to schools that you can use in business. Education is a labor intensive undertaking; cutting labor costs has a negative impact on the children. There’s no profit center. Identifying the “customer” is an ambiguous and abstruse concept. Is the customer the children, parents, next years teachers? Their suggestions ignored the emotional impact on students and staff.

In the end, these executives had little if anything positive to contribute to the committees they sat on.

I think the same holds true for people lauded as corporate phenoms going into government. When people are reduced to profit and loss centers, the quality of life for the majority will suffer.


Whatever. She can outsource her campaign staffing to Indonesia and get the same or better service for cents on the dollar. These American campaign staffers are so entitled. They act like they have a God given right to work for fair wages or something.


Plenty to find fault with beneath Fiorina’s skin.

I’ll put it this way:

She’s in the fur business.
Her religion is her club.
We are the baby seals.
She thinks we should vote for her for her business abilities.


The quality of writing EVERYWHERE is going down. Drives me absolutely batty. I blame George Bush and texting…


Put the former campaign staffers together with the 30,000 H-P staffers she laid off and we could do another surge in Iraq.


But she is and none of what I said is not the truth.

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More popcorn please. Imagine the entertainment still to come, when these crazy idiots start to fold and endorse one of the remaining crazy idiots.

The madness, oh, the madness!!

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It does not follow that business men and women are the most suited for leading government. They are at the very least unfeeling people who’d be creating social policy, and they’ve usually never done that. We have only to look to Mitt to see the mind of a cold widget-counting businessman.


One could probably get a similar reaction not only from her former campaign staffers, but also from thousands of tech workers.

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