Discussion: First Lady Spox: Don’t Read Too Much Into Her ‘I Really Don’t Care’ Jacket

I’m sensing something in the political atmosphere. I don’t think the GOP base gets it yet, but I do believe the GOP Congress does. Trump has given up on immigration as a political issue.

  • I see Beauregard completely backtracking, now claiming they never intended to separate families.
  • I see the gov’t declined to prosecute 16 heads of households who had crossed the border with their families. DOJ later denied that there had been a change in policy, but the signal was unmistakable. They’re going back to Obama era standards because they’re the only ones that can be managed administratively.
  • Trump had some unhinged statement (yet to read it in full) but the body language from the pics I saw indicated a Trumper Tantrum of frustration.
  • The GOP bills in the House failed. Paul Ryan is still a douche. Nancy Pelosi was needling him. Chuck Schumer was swingin’ for the fences on comprehensive immigration reform. Democratic House candidates have sent me emails supporting ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’. Democrats are on offense on immigration. The GOP has given up and might even support the discharge petition working its way in the House.
  • Gov. Northam has ordered an investigation to see if there have been violations at these detention centers/concentration camps in VA that are prosecutable under VA law. Gov. Cuomo has sued the Administration for mistreatment of detainees. The Administration has a massive exposure (imho) on violations of laws and standards of conduct that apply in caregiver situations. Many others may have committed crimes. At some point, the FBI has to get involved.
  • Avenatti and others are keeping the issue of reuniting these kids front and center. He is also representing ICE whistleblowers as the Administration tries to clamp down on dissent and leaks.

These guys are losing. The wind has gone out of the sails. The Base doesn’t quite see it yet, but they’ll know that nothing was done on immigration. There will be no wall. In addition, the trade war is causing the GOP to lose support among WWC voters. We’re seeing it in polling in KY-06, WV-03 and in Wisconsin/Iowa and other affected places. So while the media is now coming up with a new narrative (Dems are strong in suburbs, GOP strong among WWC/rurals) that really isn’t true. What is happening out there is that Dems are strong among suburbs, urban areas, and have improved among white voters across the board, while the GOP is left with its base, who are voting inconsistently and are getting outvoted in places where they normally romp.

The Democrats got more votes than the Republicans in the race for Governor in the CA primary election. Don’t think that’s ever happened.


She is doing everything she can to make sure there is not a second term without violating her prenup.


Do read too much into this:


She could have pulled a Prince.

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I’ve seen your responses to the jacket, and they’re all spot on. It’s a major fuckup.

But what irks me just as much is her spokesperson’s reaction:

“It’s a jacket. There was no hidden message. After today’s important visit to Texas, I hope the media isn’t going to choose to focus on her wardrobe.”

The haughtiness of this response is so very republican. I can’t believe the arrogance of these people. Remember them ripping their hair out over Barack Obama’s lack of lapel pin, or his tan suit, or his feet on his desk, or saluting with a cup of coffee? Well, here’s the first lady of the United States, jetting off to visit a church shelter (she didn’t visit a detention center), in the midst of her husband’s fucking child kidnapping scandal, wearing a message that says “I don’t really care”. And that’s their statement? “I hope the media isn’t going to choose to focus on her wardrobe”? Seriously?

The right wing of this country is the most disgusting, dangerous, unamerican group of smug meatheads ever assembled within our unfortunate borders.

Principled conservatism is quite obviously dead. We’re left with this group of malicious morons, and I wish nothing but ill-will on them. May they rot.


Nor is it the best time for anyone attached to this badministration to be eating Mexican food, as Kirsten Nielsen learned this week. Per the Daily Mail:

Nielsen was dining with a colleague at MXDC Cocina Mexicana. Protesters descended on the restaurant, yelling ‘Shame!’ and ‘Abolish ICE!’

NO ONE attached Fat Nixon should ever be allowed to show his/her face in public again without angry chanting!

(sorry if this has already been posted - am up at BU for the parent part of freshman orientation…)


The Melaniabot must have just come back from maintenance:


The Onion called. They were inconsolable. I suggested a crisis hotline.


Can’t she be feckless and cunning?


… and then they told me, “this is the easiest job as a Soviet Kompromat Handler that there is. Now, 15 years later …?”


message to donald?


She’s about as cunning as Baldrick.


They might realize its easier to fleece the base for donations when they are out of power than trying to keep the whack-ado promises they make while begging for those donations.


Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere.

You can donate to the RAICES legal fund to help reunite separated families. I linked to the home page, but scroll down to the bottom for a link to contribute online. This is a Texas non-profit, but most of our Southern border is in Texas.


I think that particular jacket was a deliberate action taken to embolden TRUssia’s base* support. One of their “messages” is “why are you making such a big deal of this?” and that horrible, disgusting jacket says it clearly.

And then the “First Escort’s” gang says the jacket’s message means nothing.

Remember how the repugs screeched because a Democrat politician wasn’t wearing a flag pin? Don’t tell me Repugs don’t understand crude symbolism.

*Base: • archaic denoting or befitting a person of low social class.
• (of coins or other articles) not made of precious metale


Actually I think this is from Ivanka’s new Feckless collection.


and in our next episode of “Tone Deaf Theater”…


It just shows her lack of awareness. Denseness is in the DNA of this family with the exception of Barron. If he doesn’t escape he will inherit the same disregard for others. I wonder if those penned in weren’t “don’t read too much into her” as she walked away? What would you expect them to “read into it”?. A pox on the spox! She is as dense as the rest.


Thee-dimensional checkers?


Wish I had more likes I could give this.

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