Discussion: FCC Votes To Repeal Obama-Era Net Neutrality Regulations

Fucking scum.

But at least Clinton isn’t using a private email server for the Oval Office. So it’s a fair trade… no?


Republicans and Greed, What Deficit ??

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This change is most assuredly reminiscent of the Robber Barons of the so-called “Gilded Age,” a term that is certainly applicable to Trump and his obscenely rich cohort. Thank you for reminding us all of that concept:


So the Russians are bad because they seek to activate the fault lines in American civil discourse to inflame and divide us. And your reaction to Trump’s giving away the public internet is… to attack the Green Party?


The ironic thing is that an argument can be made that it’s the porn industry that has driven a good deal of technological innovation affecting the internet:

If the ISPs try to throttle it (haha), then the FCC just throttled innovation as well.


All there is to hope for is that the lawsuits will drag long enough to give us a chance to vote in a Democratic President and Congress.

Hail Mary, but that’s all there is.


I have no point to make that would add anything to what’s been said already. But I will say this: Son of a god-damn bitch. They’re just Visigoths and Vandals, these people, smashing everything they can reach. Un-fucking-believable.


Greens helped elect Trump (and before that Bush Jr.)


Pai is a guy who apparently never got over his mid-life crisis phase and thus lives in constant fear of having to confront the fact that he’s just another boring stiff that will be used a scapegoat by his old masters.

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During the Obama administration, whenever the Democrats tried to make the tax code more progressive, figures like Orrin Hatch, Paul Ryan, and Lindsey Graham invoked the term “class warfare.” This wholesale capitulation to corporations and the obscenely wealthy is genuine class warfare, but for some reason we’re not allowed to use the phrase.


Except instead of a simple “head basket” can we upgrade to a trebuchet? That way we can combine the barbarity of a beheading with the exhilaration of a pumpkin toss.


They’re just Visigoths and Vandals, these people, smashing everything they can reach.

I think they try to steal everything in their reach first, and smash it if they can’t grab it. Distinction without a difference, I admit.


“”“The FCC’s new rules could usher in big changes in how Americans use the internet”""

Not so much. The new rules will usher big changes in how the internet service providers use us. This isn’t a pro biz rule change. It’s an anti-consumer one. And an issue so badly covered by the media the ISP’s can get away with it.


We’re not? I will! This is class warfare. Show me an aspect of it that is not an attempt by the rich to soak the not-rich and redistribute wealth upward.


The telecom companies, freed of common sense regulation, will surely behave responsibly and not make Republicans come to regret this politically. Yup, and Blake Farenthold is the sexiest man alive.


And your reaction to Trump’s giving away the public internet is… to attack the Green Party?

Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ on a Cracker, do I really have to point out the pivotal roles that Green Party candidates Ralph Nader and Jill Stein played in extremely tight elections that were won by Republicans who then proceeded to savage everything the Greens purport to support?


But, but, but,… States Rights!

Oh yah, only when it benefits our patrons. (also known as the payer of bribes)


Hear hear. I’m an oldster, too, and pissed off. My middle-aged “kids” are pissed off. But the really young voters are going to see what this does to their way of life and figure out that voting is something they need to do.


To clarify, the first and most vicious smashing is of Obama-era regulations designed to bring a certain basic level of human decency into the society’s workings.


OK, so:

  1. This will be a huge issue for Dems in 2018. Restore net neutrality. People across the spectrum are going to be freaked out when the internet starts to charge you.

  2. Messaging tip, Dems: Not ‘the FCC’. More like, ‘Trump’s FCC’ ends net neutrality. And not ‘Obama’s net neutrality rules.’ Leave Obama out of this.

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