Discussion: Eric Trump: It Would Be 'Foolish' To Release Tax Returns

But I’m looking for a 30 second ad, not a full length documentary!

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So we’re either going to find a bunch of stuff and make wrong assumptions about it (you know, because reporters are such gigantic imbeciles that they’d never think to get a forensic accountant or tax lawyer to answer their questions) OR you “don’t learn that much from a tax return.” It’s either one or the other!

Also “There is no tax attorney in the world who will tell you to release your tax returns while you’re under a standard, routine audit. It would never happen. Anybody who thinks that is in la la land,”

Cue the Clinton Campaign (PACS) finding about a thousand lawyers that say this is just fine. Also, who releases their tax returns? Only people running for office! Why would this be an issue for anyone else…ever? Release to who? Well, they’re checking to see how much tip money I really made from the diner down the street, better release my taxes to the local newspaper! Oh wait! My tax lawyer says that’s “foolish” (LOL, just kidding who can afford a lawyer?)


“Trump” is just another way to say FRAUD.


John Gotti Jr.: "It would be foolish of my father to release the minutes of his last board meeting."


No wonder they call Eric the “Fredo” of the Trump Crime Family!


Yes, people are saying that Trump is owned by the mob and by Russian oligarchs, including Putin. I wouldn’t say that because I have no direct knowledge of Trump’s criminal activities but other people - lots of people, tremendous people, the best, believe me - are saying that. Something’s going on there and someone should look into it. Sad!


HAHAHAHAHA…DAMN those ‘people’ making assumptions. Project much, Eric?


I hate to be so stupid, but what does “HO” stand for? I can’t figure it out. Thanks


Hillary’s Opponent

Oops! Stepped on my friend littlegirlblue’s requested response. :no_mouth: “Sorry”!


If the Eric Trump Foundation took in more than $50k it’s public record


“You would have a bunch of people who know nothing about taxes trying to look through and trying to come up with assumptions on things that they know nothing about,” Eric Trump said on CNBC, describing what would happen if Donald Trump released his tax returns. “It would be foolish to do.”

Well i know what will be the number one topic in next year’s report.

If he released his tax returns you would clearly see that,’" he said. “Are you guys kidding me? You learn a lot more when you look at a person’s assets. You know how many hotels we have around the world. You know how many golf courses we have around the world.”

Keep going Eric…

“There is no tax attorney in the world who will tell you to release your tax returns while you’re under a standard, routine audit. It would never happen. Anybody who thinks that is in la la land,” Eric Trump said on CNBC.



I thought HO stood for “Herr (or Hair) Orange (or orangutan)”.


You actually probably wouldn’t. If anything, the returns would get heavily scrutinized by people who probably know even more about taxes than the average person. The whole “come[ing] up with assumptions on things” is precisely what happens when you don’t release them after you’ve said you would and when it’s tradition for presidential candidates to do so.


Eric Trump: It Would Be ‘Foolish’ To Release Tax Returns

Why worry about foolish now? I mean, if that were the metric the Trumpists were using to judge their actions by, they would have pulled up stakes on their carnivalesque shit show a long time ago.


Technically since their campaign has been doing countless foolish things, does this mean they will be releasing them?


From the article, ROTFLMAO
“…delegates…were given canvas tote bags, stamped with the Trump slogan, and filled with copies of Crippled America, as well as Kleenex and Make America Great Again! cups, hats, and T-shirts. Delegates were also given plastic fetus figurines.”
[emphasis added] Is there a Trump entity that makes fetus models?


I asked the same question only yesterday. It’s “Hillary’s opponent” as the president referred to him. I’m also going to go with “the other fellow” as Joe referred to him yesterday in a speech to the Baltic states members. As in don’t worry about that one.


The circle that I want to see Trump’s tax returns square:

Trump claims a net worth of $10 billion.
A 5% ROI would generate a gross income of $500 million.
Trump takes a property tax exemption in New York that is only available to individuals or households making under $500,000 a year.

So is Trump a tax genius who knows how to shelter 99.9% of his income or a piss poor investor who can only generate a 0.005% ROI?


Nice try Eric, as your thinking is deeply flawed since tax returns reveal much information about the manner in which individuals conduct their business affairs. By the way Eric, the NYTs reported a week ago the Trump organization was $650 million dollars in debt. Could this be what the voters should not see shown on the tax returns? The Trump shell game campaign continues on, having dropped from the gutter into the sewer.


Cheats at golf

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A book with Crippled America in the title. Who could resist. Only everybody.

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