Discussion: Earnest: 'Outrageous' For Chaffetz To Threaten To Subpoena Ethics Chief

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It’s not hard to imagine how the GOP would be responding to all this mayhem if the president involved in this vast mess were a Democrat.


Probably the same.


It’s time for Chaffetz to be removed from office. Recall, he was the one who alerted the public to the Comey letter:

“Case reopened,” House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) tweeted, although the letter from Comey did not indicate a reopening of the investigation.

FBI Dir just informed me, “The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.” Case reopened

— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) October 28, 2016


“He’s threatening to shut down the office of the guy who is doing the job that Jason Chaffetz himself is refusing to do. It’s outrageous.” (White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest)

Exactly. Besides President Obama and his lovely family, I am going to miss Mr. Earnest’s press conferences. January 20th, 2017, – the day the adults leave the room.


adverb: amok; adverb: amuck

behave uncontrollably and disruptively.
"stone-throwing anarchists running amok"
synonyms:	go berserk, get out of control,
 rampage, riot, run riot, go on the rampage, behave
 like a maniac, behave wildly, behave uncontrollably,
   become violent, become destructive;

This is how an open democracy loses its oversight and begins to shut down dissent, Mr. Earnest. Attack the nonpartisan overseers and you can control the message. Its pure propaganda and Chaffetz is a willing tool, enabling The Great Leader and New Overlords. He’s as corrupt as the rest of the GOP. Worse yet, he’s been given a role he chooses to ignore when it comes to actual oversight of this administration. But what does Utah care, they elected this asshole because something, something…Mormon (convert though, but hey, they don’t care).


The guy poses a real, serious danger to our democratic institutions, and I wouldn’t be satisfied just to see him removed from office. I want to see him investigated, indicted for his violation of the Hatch Act, and gosh I wish, kicked not just out of the Congress but out of the country. Send him back to Russia where his head clearly belongs.


Another dreadful thought – it’s goddamn Spicer that steps in.


What frightens you Chaffy?

This isn’t a rational response to anything.


OT. Another reason for Dems to be pissed. I’ve been following this on The Guardian. Comey refuses to talk to Dems about Russia investigation. Jerry Nader is pissed.


Mr. Earnest is not wrong.


Comey needs to be sent back to St. Petersburg, from whence he came.


Honestly, I don’t think the public will know what hit them until Trump, with the entire corrupt GOP in tow, along with their supporters, have their own little brownshirts to taking over the country and intimidating everyone that doesn’t agree with them. That’s starting to look no longer like hyperbole anymore.


I’d take it as meaning that the agency under his watch hasn’t really been investigating.


Usually, the outgoing press secretary becomes much more circumspect as the president’s term winds down. Not here. Good to see!



Wonkette chimes in…

House Democrats SO PISSED OFF At James Comey Right Now. Let’s Irresponsibly Speculate Why!

  • Everything was cool until the last 15 minutes, when Comey accidentally let it slip that he’s had a video of Trump doing things with Russian wee wee hookers forever, but he keeps it in his office for fapping.
  • He stated the obvious, which was that he has a joy hard-on for Donald Trump, and a hate hard-on for Hillary Clinton, so he decided to be all “SHHHH!” about the FBI’s Trump investigations, but spill the beans about some inconsequential Hillary bullshit, in order to swing the election.
  • He revealed that yes, for real, an entire office of the FBI (the New York one) has gone rogue with Hillary hate, and only answers to its sniveling god-king Rudy Giuliani, therefore he had to be the one to send his now infamous Hillary email letter, because otherwise, New York would have leaked everything anyway.
  • He admitted that yes, the FBI literally ignored the dossier handed to it by an old spy who really just wanted to help, while breathlessly reporting on Hillary stuff and Clinton Foundation stuff, because Comey is part of the FBI that’s gone rogue.
  • Comey introduced a special guest at the briefing, and it was Vladimir Putin, who did a strip-tease, which made all the Republicans sexually aroused, while Democrats sat there like, “I dunno about this, I just came here with my friends …”
  • Comey did the entire briefing in Russian, but somehow Democrats were able to make out the words “coup” and “Trump that bitch!” and “Man, we played ALL Y’ALL.”
  • They thought they were going to a briefing, but instead it was just a live action performance of Moscow Hooker Pee Pee Dance, which would have been fine if all the Republicans hadn’t been clapping their hands like “YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!” and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Mormon) hadn’t thrown his crusty magic underpants at the stage filled with dollar bills.

Josh, are you shocked, shocked that a scumbag like Chaffetz is willing to carry the Asshole-elect’s water. Hell, he also give DT a blow job if requested.

Chaffetz seems to have squishy religious beliefs as he converted from being a Jew to Mormonism, I assume for political purposes. After all, he is from Utah.


Am glad that the White House and Chuck Schumer are countering this grotesque attempt at intimidation. Chaffetz is a hack and he needs to be called out.


It’s pretty obvious now that starting January 20, there will be no oversight by the GOP Congress of Trump, or any pushback from his avalanche of lies. We are entering a dark period of our nation’s history.