Discussion: DOJ Sues To Block North Carolina's Anti-LGBT Bill

I am so glad that our federal government isn’t going to stand for these state discrimination laws overriding non-discriminator federal laws!

McCory is a southern governor completely out of control and he’s got a silly GoP majority that is running both state houses. Certainly hope you Carolinas are taking a good look at McCory’s unskillful way of governing and running your state’s business on your behalf.

That is the thing which I think will make HB2 an open and shut case as a clear violation of both he Civil Rights Act and of Title IX. That is does go well beyond just the “bathroom bill” aspect (though that is simply a subset since gender is part of the Civil Rights Act as well and is a civil rights issue.


If it is about security, there’s a trivial fix – don’t let your children go to the damn bathroom alone. Take them there and wait for them.

If it is about privacy, there’s another trivial fix. Put stalls with doors around all the toilets and pull down the gender signs from the entrance. Let everyone pee at the first available.

There I fixed it.

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Go, Loretta, you go, girl. Please excuse the potential political incorrectness here - but SIC 'EM !!!

Loretta Lynch is is more cool then Mick Jagger

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You know, after Hillary is sworn in come January, I hope she considers asking Loretta Lynch to stay on in her current position. She’s damn good.

edited for spelling


I’d really like to know (in a slow down to look at a car wreck kind of way) what caused the religious right to suddenly get their collective panties in a twist about BATHROOMS. Was it the final decisive loss in the culture war against marriage equality? One too many media appearances by Caitlyn Jenner? Did someone finally get the memo that calling women sluts tends to backfire? How did transgender people suddenly become scapegoat number one with bigots filing ALEC template style legislation all over the red states? Has this been brewing for a while, or is this some last ditch attempt to wrestle the evangelical base back into formation for the election? Enquiring minds want to know! (So, Josh, could you put a reporter on that?)

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This will happen eventually, of course. It only makes sense from an architectural point of view. Parents with gender phobia have real issues right now. This bill and conversation is making things worse. There was a time when we could take all the kids into the same bathroom at preschool to wash their hands (that wonderful time was a few months ago). Now, with limited resources, we have to split them up. It takes longer, leaves us in greater risk of violating the 2 in view rule, and makes more sense to the other moms and the kids than to me.

There was an okay article on slate (it was on slate, and not by someone named Dahlia, so it was only ok). It went back and looked into this. Back in the 1970s, opposition to the ERA used the idea of a future with unisex bathrooms in scare ads. I guess it worked. Apparently, the idea of the men in the women’s bathroom is very frightening to certain segments of our population. Certain christian segments.

I guess it’s sort of like having men and women pray together…

Did you mean this one from November? http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2015/11/10/anti_trans_bathroom_propaganda_has_roots_in_racial_segregation.html

I think this is pretty much the case.
There’s nothing else left in the Atwater/Rovian black-bag of hate–
that can stir emotion-- in evangelicals, or anyone-- at this point.

We are seeing a rear-guard action by the GOP to try to keep their last line of defense intact–
gerrymandered Congressional districts and ALECized statehouses.

If those start crumbling before 2020-- conservatism will be dead and buried
by the time the US Census reads them their obit.


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The DOJ action was filed in the MD of NC, it is case number 1:16-cv-00425. No judge appears yet to have been assigned (or at least it does not show on the PACER, the on-line records system for federal courts).

McCorey’s political stunt was filed in the ED of NC, and they drew Judge Terrence Boyle, who was Jessie Helm’s right hand man, and was put on the district court by Reagan. Bush I nominated him for a seat on the 4th Circuit, but the democrats refused to consider him. He was then renominated by Bush II, but he was again held up, and ultimately defeated when the democrats took over the senate in 2006.

Since they are in different districts, they will not be combined absent an unusual situation, and I doubt that a Federal Court would transfer the DOJ suit from where it was filed, Defendants are not usually allowed to try to pick the venue like NC tired to do here.


Loretta Lynch is good. Maybe she should be on the Supreme Court.

I was so proud of the Obama Administration yesterday and Loretta Lynch. That was a great statement by her yesterday. We are not going back

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I am sure she will stay

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Thank you, spin. Just what I was looking for.

Ya gotta wonder what the end game is and what advantage the right wingers foresee getting from this. McCrory is tanking, thye state is being ridiculed far and wide and they are going to lose yet another discrimination case. And now they are under the microscope, fools.

At your service.

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It will happen when the lawsuits are over and there are no impending elections. That will be a while. It is rather like George Wallace and his axe handle.

Thank you! That was incredibly kind of you to find for me.

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