Discussion: CPAC Boots White Nationalist Richard Spencer After He Crashes The Party

Saves marriages , CPACkerheads, not so much.

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“Why do all these horrible racists keep trying to attend our conference?”


With CPAC it’s ok to invite Lost Causers who pine for the confederacy.Check. Militia supporters. Check. The He Man Woman haters club. Anti science scientists. Young earth advocates who think the planet is 6000 years old. Check. Phil “Duck Dynasty” Robertson. A man who advocates child, well ok teen marriage.Check. White nationalists? Nazi supporters? Hold on that’s a bridge too far. I guess that means they have some standards.


And this is what I just found in my inbox

NPR Breaking NEWS
WATCH LIVE: Top Trump Advisers Bannon And Priebus Set To Address CPAC

I figure CPAC Communications Director Ian Walters will go on to tell TPM…

"He is welcome here. His views are tremendous and have absolutely everything to do with what goes on here.”



There’s also the Duck Test. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…then it’s a Nazi.


Leftists are certainly NOT fascists.
And I take that assertion as a personal insult from the speaker at CPAC:


noun: fascism; noun: Fascism;
plural noun: Fascisms

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of
government and social organization.

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And Insane Sheriff David Clarke (who lets people die in his jails and gets away with it), Propagandist Sean Hannity, Sam Brownback (whose tax cuts have beggared his state), Paul LePage (crazy racist), and let’s not forget Milo Yianoppolis, who would have been speaking had that video not surfaced.

Oh…and Ed Schultz. WTF happened to Ed?


Ed went to work for RT and it’s been downhill ever since with him.

Populism will do that to a person whether it’s left lwing populism or rightwing populism.


You mean besides blowing all credibility with the naive-but-sentient listener?

Our left wing smothers fascism where it can. CPAC’s lip service to racial justice and ant-fascist action is rather noticeably off-key when they grunt their anthem.

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“First they ignored us, then they laughed at us, now they’re fighting us.”

In the haloed tradition of Melania Trump, another white supremacist steals words from a person of color.

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Fixed for truth. Because unless you’ve lived under a rock or have had absolutely zero experience in dealing with American conservatives on any level, saying that modern conservatism isn’t tied to anti-Semitism and racism is the biggest fucking lie in politics I’ve ever heard.


I guess CPAC has become a little sensitive to racists attendees given past problems garnering embarrassing headlines.

Remember this little gem from the 2013 confab?

The exchange occurred after an audience member from North Carolina,
30-year-old Scott Terry, asked whether Republicans could endorse races
remaining separate but equal. After the presenter, K. Carl Smith of
Frederick Douglass Republicans, answered by referencing a letter by
Frederick Douglass forgiving his former master, the audience member said
“For what? For feeding him and housing him?” Several people in the
audience cheered and applauded Terry’s outburst.After the exchange, Terry muttered under >his breath, “why can’t we just have segregation?”


I am sure it was a mistake and they will all apologize tomorrow. Isn’t the theme this year “Nazi Days are Here Again” or something?

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tRump couldn’t have gotten elected without help from the alt-right. Now the GOPeers are acting like Spencer has cooties.

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Maybe with KAC already there, it’s just too much ugly.

Yes, but you have to do better than that…

Hell, East Germany was called the Deutsche Demokratische Republik

I won’t even bring up North Korea…


Fake Dictionary! Fake Dictionary!


No. It just looks that way if you don’t understand that hypocrisy is the water in which conservatives swim and boundary inconsistencies like this are what make hypocrisy hypocrisy.

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