Discussion: Cleveland Police Demand Apology For Browns Player's Tamir Rice Protest

Yep, it’s not like me to defend a football organization (especially the Browns for crying out loud!) but their response was spot on.


I don’t know why black people can’t suffer in silence their violent, criminally negligent deaths at the hands of various police departments. I mean, everyone has problems, they think theirs are special?


Hey, Cleveland Police Union: jump right up and kiss my pimpled white ass.

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Who do the Cleveland Police think they are? Demanding apologies, like some offended monarch, some prissy, thin-skinned WATBs. The Cleveland Police owe everyone, especially the families of Rice and Crawford, a prolonged, prostrated apology.


Nice city you got here be a shame if something happened to it. The City needs to take a serious at what the police are doing. Threatening citizens for speaking out may not be part of their job description.


It means the First Amendment doesn’t apply, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t a tacit understanding in society that the principle of free speech should apply pretty generally.

Frankly, I think we are reaching a point where we may need a series of constitutional amendments protecting individuals from abrogation of rights by corporations as well. That wasn’t an issue when the original Bill of Rights was adopted, but it is becoming more and more of an issue all the time.


It’s not just the shooting of innocent black people. I’m sure people of other races can find instances of the same thing. I agree wholeheartedly with your 2nd sentence though.

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I think that’s a little extreme. Cops, like teachers, are doing us a public service. They deserve to be represented. I do agree with you about unions protecting the “bad apples”, which then sours public opinion on the entire crop of officers.

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They would do far better at protecting their members if they started steps to see that folks who are not fit to be police officers were encouraged to seek other employment. The shooter of Tamir was clearly a disaster waiting to happen and it is unclear why he was hired.


Thunderclap Newman’s name was jacked by somebody using a similar name (for about 15 minutes), something like Thunderrass something, and the avatar had basically the same image of the superhero suit.

Really? You have to live in the white suburbs to have that kind of confidence in the local PD I assure you.

Police in America are exhibiting a siege mentality that sounds suspiciously like that afflicting the Christianist/Teatardist camps.

What’s next? Are the going to threaten not to serve and protect black neighborhoods? /snark


Voting, for most of us, so far.

I demand Cleveland Cops bring Tamir Rice back to life and then go fuck themselves.

What are they going to do about it if he doesn’t apologize? Shoot the player’s children?


I know they showed a shooting victim on TV the other day (young, black, male) and one of the cops I work out with said she prayed that it wasn’t another officer involved killing, it wasn’t. I think she’s not alone.

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That struck me about Darren Wilson… Officer Clueless was so amazed that Michael Brown was angry when he was being shot at.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You’re free to say whatever you want. It doesn’t guarantee there are not consequences.


Agreed. The two are connected as I point out. Corporate thinking: our product is going to kill about 1000 people but once we subtract legal costs and civil payouts we still make a big profit, so go ahead and manufacture the product. The oligarchs have done their cost assessment I suppose, and would rather spend their money on a crackdown than give up some profits to prevent the necessity of a crackdown.

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Those cops, they do like to issue demands. And commands. So what are they gonna do - shoot them. (Don’t answer).

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It’s pretty clear that in our society black individuals will be shot more quickly than white individuals for the same actions. They can even show this in completely simulated situations where everything but color is held constant.

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