Discussion: Buzz About Megyn Kelly Leaving Fox News Sets Off JoeScar, Glenn Beck Flame War

Cry more. C’mon, you can do it. Cry!


Beck became irrelevant partly because he left Fox, but mostly because he is nuts.


Hey, guys, look over here! I put a spider and a snake and a scorpion in a bucket, and they’re all fighting each other!


I don’t think she has to imagine, that sounds an awful lot like her career at Fox.


the Mean Kids Club fighting over who is most irrelevant and whether they’re getting a new member…


Psssssst!! Psssssst!! Hey, Glenn, Joe and Kelly, you are all unimportant and irrelevant. Start believing it.


That’s the thing about guys like Beck which I can’t understand for the life of me. They start out wanting money, but after they fleece the suckers into giving it to them, they automatically think that entitles them to have respect; when they don’t get it, they whine more than a jet place during takeoff/

Look, you wanted money, you got it. Now don’t come crying to US cause you aren’t respected. Curl up with your millions and see how that keeps your warm at night.


Why would anyone take advice from Joe Scarborough? He is a moron and a very poor judge of character who is wooed by tRump’s bluster and the possibility of a job in a tRump administration.


Beck mentions “talent” as if that’s a thing that any of them actually have.



You aren’t kidding. Beck is so goofy, he should have a cartoon of him trying to wind a watch. It would probably be 11 minutes long before he figured it out.

Beck would snarl that he doesn’t–or if he does, they are of no consequence–make mistakes or tell lies. But he does. ALL the time. What he counts on is that he can make a pile off the Gullible before they catch on. Here are just SOME of them that he was telling about five years ago.

  1. During his “I Have A Scheme” speech, Beck claimed half a million people showed up. (Actually, 85,000 did.)

  2. Claimed on Fox and Friends July 28, 2009, that President Obama is a racist. At first, Beck tried to bully his way through the charge but as he kept losing sponsor after sponsor–200 as of March 2010–he tried getting Fox Not the News owner Rupert Murdoch, to bankroll his show, which he did for a little while,but the pressure did not abate. (Finally, after his “I Have A Scheme” rally, Beck apologized on Fox Not the News Sunday to Chris Wallace.)

  3. Claimed to his followers at the “I Have a Scheme” rally that he held the original inaugural statement in his hand that was penned by George Washington. (True to form, Beck admitted that this was a lie but it really didn’t matter.)

  4. Claimed Green Jobs presidential adviser Van Jones had been convicted of a felony. (True to form, Beck admitted that this was a lie but it really didn’t matter. This is a guy who’s supposed to stand for honor and integrity?)

  5. Claimed that Robert Creamer, a liberal activist, was a “unrepentant convicted felon.” (Ummm. No. Creamer was very repentant, confessing to bank fraud and paying all the money back that he owed the IRS, plus penalties. Beck also said the security breach at a state dinner November 24, 2009 was to distract attention from Creamer. )

  6. Swore that 45% of doctors said they would quit if health care reform passed. ( It’s passed. They
    aren’t quitting.)

  7. Claimed that John Holdren, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, promoted abortions and putting substances in drinking water that would leave people sterile. ( He never said any such thing.)

  8. We are the only country in the world that has citizenship on birth, (No we aren’t. Guatemala, Canada, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, to mention a few, all have it.)

  9. Beck claimed that the wife of Imam Rauf, the muslim heading up the construction of the Park 51 project claims that all Americans hate muslims. (She didn’t, she said it was the protestors at the prject who seemed to hate muslims.)

  10. President Obama wants to force doctors to perform abortions. (I doubt it very much. Title 42, § 300a-7 of the U.S. Code safeguards doctors from not performing abortions if their religious or moral beliefs say otherwise.)


I could really care less about where the careers go of the rw commentariat that are openly at war with each other over the fractures this election cycle has exposed. It’s just fun to watch. i don’t watch Morning Joe or the Kelly Files or listen to/read The Blaze. No dog in this hunt at all.


Came here to post this. Anyone who hasn’t taken a peek at anything Beck has done lately should check out some of his more recent clips. He’s the living definition of a messianic complex. Even conservatives are capable of seeing through his bullshit, and that’s no easy feat.


Careful, Joe, MSNBC might replace you and Mika with Megyn and Bryant Gumbel and have a show worth watching.

Funny, isn’t it, that the only time Right-wingers are right about anything is when they’re calling out the faults of their fellow Right-wingers?

Takes one to know one, I guess…


Joe Scarborough is far more often wrong than right, but in this case he is right. Megyn Kelly just ain’t all that. She only seems like maybe she is if you look at her just right because of all the cretins she is surrounded by. She’s been doing the Fox News porn for too long to think she will be able to convince anyone she’s a serious actress now.


Kelly is a nasty little former attorney who happens to look nice on camera. Her dedication to journalism is about as thick as the veneer on a cheap dresser.

Once the looks start to go, that’s it. Don’t believe me? How’s Meg Ryan doing?


After Fox News mega-star Megyn Kelly floated the possibility of leaving the network when her contract is up, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough advised Kelly to consider Glenn Beck’s tumble to irrelevance, which prompted a fiery response from Beck on Thursday.

Who is Glenn Beck?


“You could do a morning show you don’t own, on a network that no one
watches, where your opinion is controlled and dismissed. Imagine how
that must feel. Sad.”

Beck has adopted Iambic Trumpameter! Josh FTW.