Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

It doesn’t rebuke, embarrass or humiliate President Obama.

What it does do is bring embarrassment and humiliation upon the United States.

What it also does is bring discredit and disgrace upon the Republican party as a whole.

It is the kind of behavior Americans, whether Republican, Democratic or Independent won’t forget or forgive.

While it may not seem obvious now, Mr. Netanyahu seems intent on burning Israel’s bridges to the American people, bridges Israel will need, in time.


The President requested a new AUMF to be used against ISIL in last nights SOTU address unless I heard it wrong.

This is a act of treason. This is a plot to undermine nuclear talks and to brake up the coalition P5+1 and the US. Netanyahu don’t want a deal with Iran. He want WAR. Menendez failed in his attempt tried to throw a monkey wrench in the talks.

Do you think China and Russia would sit on the side line and let the U.S. attack Iran?


Well Mr. Boehner, so much for politics stoping at the water’s edge you stupid cunt.*

* Australian/English use of the word cunt.

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This effort will take time. It will require focus. But we will succeed. And tonight, I call on this Congress to show the world that we are united in this mission by passing a resolution to authorize the use of force against ISIL.

I’d like a little more detail. That’s a good question though, what would a new AUMF look like?

Typical rethug move! below the belt is their only choice, they sure cannot lead evenwith both houses

Boehner bibi and the gop (see mccain and graham et al) continue their war mongering, destabilization of the Middle East and creation of more terrorism, while Obama and Kerry and state department continue to make progress in ending wars, seeking to stabilize the middle east and countering terrorism. I vote for obama again!

Netanyahu has been vocal in his opposition to negotiation with Iran and his support for increased sanctions.

Will any House member have the guts (and sense) to introduce a motion for the impeachment of the traitorous Speaker, Boehner?

A standard tactic of radical right-wing supporters of Israel is to personalize the opposition to wrong-headed Israeli policies. For them, any opposition is anti-Semitic, even though there is no basis in fact for these nasty accusations.


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The US protects the criminal behavior of Israel by it’s international veto powers. Israel has far more influence on US policies than the other way around, nobody is arguing the opposite.

Yes. The Zionist Entity is one and only problem.

If Netanyahu is Israel, why are we friendly to them exactly? Obviously, he isn’t concerned with how this looks either and is intentionally pestering Obama just like Boener and Co are.

Netanyahu is a Jewish teabagger, how lame and pathetic for him.

…this will probably backfire on him the next time he’s being interviewed and criticizes Obama on foreign policy.

Wish it were so, but you remember the massive media backlash against Romney for criticizing American foreign policy on foreign soil during his “No Apologies” tour? Me, neither.

Thank you and I agree.

That’s an oversimplification. There are extremists in Palestine as well. But the reality is, if Israel was actually interested in co-existence and a peaceful resolution, we would have one by now. They aren’t…and the US vetoes any international attempt at forcing them to back down from their inhuman policies.


Iran is not more democratic than the Sunni states - it is a theocratic dictatorship with a figurehead President and Parliament. All actual power in Iran rests in the Supreme Leader. He is in charge of the military, the courts, and foreign policy. He decides who is allowed to run for President and Parliament - and has unchecked veto power over any laws they pass (and those laws are limited to domestic and budgetary issues).

(This is not to say the Sunni states are any better - most of them are absolute monarchies - but Iran’s “democracy” is just as much of a pretense as Iraq’s “democracy” under Saddam Hussein.)

I view it as a baby step in the right direction for Iran compared to having the Shah and the Ayatollah.

Remember that in our own democracy, the Kochs have anointed the Republican candidate for Republican primary voters for the last six election cycles.

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