Discussion: Biden Meets With Elizabeth Warren as He Ponders Prez Bid

Discussion for article #239688

I like good old Joe, but wouldn’t his mouth get him into trouble? I know Trump says whatever he wants, but there’s a double standard for Dems, and Joe might run into that buzz saw pretty quickly.


Nobody gets this. This is SMART. It gets Preibus et al starting after more false hares, more division of GOP oppo-strategy I doubt Joe runs–but I bet he’ll fuck with their heads in the meantime.


In comparison to Clinton’s parsing, Biden’s gaffs are refreshing. He is not always on the defensive. I’d like to see him join forces with Warren.


Well look at what we have here. Biden polls better in swing states than Clinton. Ok HRC supporters, in the words of the Emperor from star wars “Let your hate flow though you.”

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I think the gaffs make him more human. Who hasn’t said something crazy? Lets just hope he doesn’t have an email server stuck in a closet somewhere. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Wall Street’s getting nervous. Hillary Clinton was their chosen candidate, but she’s becoming increasingly vulnerable. Jeb Bush was their Plan B, but he could actually lose to Trump. Wall Street is deathly afraid of a Bernie Sanders presidency, and they know Trump would be a train wreck. So Joe Biden is warming up in the bullpen.

Now Biden has a difficult task. He needs to pull support from the Warren Wing, many of whom are now backing Sanders, as well as the Clinton supporters who may be willing to defect. And he needs to do it without upsetting the Democratic establishment, who still support Clinton and would be angered by anything that prevented her coronation.


I wanna see the campaign finance reports do out at the end of September. That’s when we will find out if Trump is serious and if Biden has a secret war chest laying around.

I think todays meeting with Biden and Warren was a “if you build it they will come” meeting.


Every poll has shown Hillary does better than Biden in comparison. Go troll somewhere else.


Hillary was definitely not their chosen candidate. Biden with his Delaware roots would be a much more favorable, and conservative, candidate. Hillary’s record, with the Bankruptcy revision withstanding, is much closer in line to Elizabeth Warren’s politics than Biden, who is more conservative than Bernie or Hillary.


What happened to the other thread on this? Was there not enough glowing talk of the Biden/Warren Second Coming ticket for the TPM crowd. There is absolutely no evidence that Biden went to talk to Warren about a 2016 run. It is pure speculation. Gee, I wonder if the Vice President was talking to a leading Dem Senator about, I don’t know, the pending vote on the Iran Deal? Nah, must be they are plotting to save the party from the clutches of the former friend and now arch rival Hillary. What bullshit.

The more I see the media and now even Josh start to set their sights on taking down Hillary, the more fonder I grow of her and the more sure I am that she is the very best choice. They fear her. A lot. I wonder why that is? Because she is going to kick their sorry little asses back to next Tuesday, that’s why.


A ticket of Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, now there is the dream team! Since she refuses to consider the presidency, as VP she would be the advocate for the 98% of Americans being fleeced by the despised 2%!

It tells three things: 1) Influential Democrats, to include Obama, don’t have confidence that Hillary will win, 2) They don’t think any of the current candidates are legitimate contenders & 3) the Democrat bench is empty.


The democratic establishment? Biden is a part of the democratic establishment. It is the democratic establishment that is scared that Hillry is imploding and they need a candidate who has national appeal. They are recruiting Biden.


Why would you want Senator Warren to become Vice President Warren? The Vice Presidency is arguably the least powerful position in the American system of government. If you had any political sense at all you would be pushing for her to take Reid’s place as Senator Minority Leader and hopefully then Majority Leader in 2016. The element on the left that focuses so heavily on the “savior” candidates for the executive office are really not much different than the stone crazy Trump supporters. The Great Man theory of history was discarded long ago. Warren doesn’t want to be president precisely because she understands this and knows she can wield more power and influence where she is. She also is a friend and colleague of Hillary Clinton as is Biden. Most of this talk about Hillary imploding and the Democrats needing a savior is coming from GOP ratfuckers in my opinion. It’s sad that TPM is pushing it as well.


I don’t see any direct quotes in this article. How did all of it’s conclusions reach the writer? Mental telepathy?


"There is absolutely no evidence that Biden went to talk to Warren about a 2016 run. It is pure speculation. "



I think it’s just plain boredom.

The Democratic Primary is kind of without suspense. Sorry #feelthebern fans. I’m ok with either Bernie or Hillary winning, but the real chances of Bernie winning the Primary are about the same as Ron "r evol ution " Paul winning in 2012. Not that that’ll matter at all to the intensely passionate support (and intensely vitriolic opposition to Hillary) shown by Bernie fans. The fervor and quantity of Bernie and Ron fans are probably about the same. Just opposite sides of the scale/coin.

And the Republican one is a Cirque du Soleil/Ringling Brothers/Train Wreck/Reality TV Show ala “37 and counting or whatever # it is”/6 Ring Circus with marquee billings. It sucks all of the available oxygen out of the known political reporting universe due to it’s insane intensity, vitriol, and constant lunatic rantings (aka “candidate policy position”).

So they gotta come up with something to try to spice things up for the Dems.

Warren has said multiple times she’s not running. Yet it still comes up in the dream fantasies of journalists (and some Dems) everywhere.

Biden has shown no inclination to running. He’s lovable, but is a true gaffe machine on the campaign trail. He’s also turning 73 this year. The changes that he’ll run are realistically in the “slim-to-none” category.

Yet here we are yet again, discussing how they will definitely now run. All based on total conjecture and supposition. Or based on “anonymous 4th hand sources” like the NYTimes likes to use.

Hurray and Yay for factual reporting… :disappointed:


Old Joe is for TPP, and for the drilling in the Arctic. I doubt Warren would be his VP or endorse him. It would be like oil and water trying to mix. Also, Warren practically begged Hillary to enter the 2016 race. Old Joe voted for the bankruptcy bill that Warren got on to Hillary for and now she is going to endorse Biden or run with him as VP?? How hypocritical her progressive credentials would be.


Biden-Warren 2016