Discussion: Biden Jokes About Physical Affection In First Speech Since Accusations

I look forward to Biden Supporting progressive priorities with the same level of seriousness as these women’s claims.


Patriarchal society? Are you under the impression that there are no women who do this very thing? I am getting so tired of this crap. Sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich. We are not talking about rape or sexual assault here. BTW, Biden was the guy who helped get the Violence Against Women Act passed back in the 90s. It was just reauthorized with only 33 Republicans voting for it. He is not your problem.


i hate this era. #nothingwaslearned


No I am not. I am saying he will be constantly attacked and made to look weak in doing so. Beating Trump is not as easy as you seem to think. I would take Biden over any republican any day. No one is perfect and attacking him is ridiculous in my opinion. He is not a predator.


My only problem with Biden is he’s not progressive. He’s fine with Trump’s tax cuts and deregulation. If he had a chance to vote on them, he’d most likely vote yes. That’s if he didn’t author his own bills that went further.

We need someone who can appeal to the center, I just prefer someone more centrist than Joe.
Please Democrats, quit talking about universal wage, reparations, and abolishing ICE.
You’re going to scare more voters away than you’ll attract. I really don’t want 4 more years of Trump.


an approach that will almost certainly generate consternation if not fury from parts of the Democratic base.

Yeah, the parts that are rooting for another candidate and are shamelessly taking advantage of the #Metoo movement to try to get him disqualified.


are you really too dense to understand that in a patriarchal society, the same behavior by men and women are perceived differently? Do you NOT UNDERSTAND what ‘patriarchal society’ means at all? Seriously?

Its like saying there is no difference between a white person and a black person using the n-word.


See defense of women act.

He’s also not my top choice for president. There’s a lot of reasons for that. His history of behavior, and obvious lack of reckoning with it, is one of them. He’s not in any danger as he’s called out. He’s not going to be jailed. He’s asking for a job, for a promotion. The standards are different.

He’s simply not who I personally think is worthy of being President of the United States in the third decade of the twenty first century. That person needs to be extremely forward thinking. We have so much to repair.

That said, I’m voting for any democrat in the general.


Which women? The Bernie supporter? The Russophile? This is absurd. Biden was supporting women’s issues decades ago. He supported gay marriage before it was even popular.

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This isn’t about purity It’s about having a president who can’t keep his hands to himself. It’s not a good look for a president and I’m not in the mood to defend a candidate on that basis.


that’s like saying that because a republican supported a civil rights law that he can’t be accused of racism.

but nice try, tho…


Well, good for you, honey.


Bozo Biden.


I see, so men are judged differently because they are men. If a woman I do not know gets in my face and hugs me and calls me honey, it is harmless…whereas if a man does the very same thing, it is evil and he must apologize profusely and promise to never ever touch any one, especially a female in that way again. How about lying and stealing etc, are there different standards there as well?

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It’s absurd and I’m not here for the infanilization of women wherein a hug is a “mauling.” There are real women all over this country who face very real sexual abuse and harassment, this entire non-issue serves to do nothing more than undermine their credibility and diminish the pain of real victims. It’s appalling.


I’m less bothered by his behavior around adult women than by the way he can’t keep his hands off of little girls during photo ops, playing with their hair, bending over to snork it, and keeping his hands on them even as they squirm to get away. How is this OK for politicians, when such behavior would never be tolerated in any workplace, especially the classroom? Biden’s been toxic to me since he went after Anita Hill and gave us Clarence Thomas, but how can anybody watch these episodes and declare that this is perfectly OK? Watch Jeff Sessions slap Biden’s hand away from his granddaughter, watch HRC just give up trying to get Biden to let go with the bear hug… Our bench is too deep to let this guy suck all the oxygen out of the big tent.


Really TPM? Your headline is a bit misleading.


I agree, and making this an issue only trivializes actual real abuse. It is silly. People need to grow up. If someone gets in your face and you don’t like it, tell them to back off. I have done that. I did not start whining about the patriarchy.

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