Yellen Says US Will Reach Debt Ceiling Next Week As Republicans Prepare To Take It Hostage

One truth the world can bank on.


Whatever excuse the American Taliban comes up with, Iā€™m going to use it in letters to my creditors. Thatā€™s fair, right?


How soon will there be a movement to vacate?


ā€¦and then chide her for being so deluded by so-called ā€œscienceā€ that she canā€™t begin to understand that their research on Google has revealed that physics is a lie, and also that Fauci needs to be executed.


That was good news when I read that Yellen agreed to stay on. Yes!


I think the debt clause of the Fourteenth Amendment should be repealed.

Debt should not be risk free as it creates enormous moral hazard ā€“ debt should carry risk for both the both the borrower and the lender. The 14-A has important components but the debt clause is a recipe for public welfare to bankers and needs to go.

I didnā€™t know it was coming this week, I thought we had until late fall.


This country was created as a welfare state for bankers. I think the wealthy founders thought about it quite a bit.

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President Obama was foolish to negotiate cuts with right wingers in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. If he had held firm and just pointed to the Constitutionā€™s requirement against government bankruptcy contained in the ā€œfull faith and credit clause, the issue would have died over a decade ago.

Alas, weā€™re back in a bad place, and if President Biden is serious about not negotiating on raising the debt ceiling, he needs to do one or both of the following (cite the Constitution and just raise it unilaterally, and/or mint the $1 trillion coin), and let the right wing nut jobs sue to destroy our country. Any such court case would take years to resolve and Democrats can use it to attack the unpatriotic anti American nihilism of right wingers.


I read that the GOP is preparing a bill to prioritize payments in the event the debt ceiling is reached. Apparently, such a bill was part of the speakership deal with Gaetz, et. al.

If I understand the new House rules correctly, Democrats will be able to offer a good number of amendments to that bill. Given the narrow majority, virtually every Republican will have to vote against funding one (popular, I hope) thing after another. Weā€™ll see how that goes.

It should be an interesting day, week, or monthā€¦


You donā€™t know how this works, do you. The House holds the power of the purse in government. If they stand firm and refuse to raise the debt ceiling then the US will default, and chaos will ensue in the world financial markets. Unless the administration does something extraordinary and ridiculous like minting a trillion dollar coin.

I believe it wonā€™t happen because the Biden administration wonā€™t cave to demands, and then the traditional corporate and financial sector donors for the GOP will have a come-to-Jesus moment with the more reasonable Rā€™s in the House, who will vote with Dems to prevent it.


So Iā€™m trying to figure this out. They arenā€™t going to pass a debt limit increase, but somehow they are going to be able to pass legislation dictating what to do in the case of no debt limit increase? And get the Senate to agree to it?

My dream is that the senate amends whatever stupid ā€œprioritization planā€ the GQP come up with to start by suspending payments in states whose congressional delegation has not voted for a clean increase (or perhaps district by district). Payments of agricultural subsidies and non-medical federal contracts to be suspended first.

Iā€™d give it about 30 seconds before the calls from home started coming in.


I remember hearing it was September. Anyway Yellin is just laying out the timeline for efforts to hold it off, and apparently the big deadline is June.

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There is not enough bandwidth on the interwebs to tell you how monumentally wrong you are.


Um, you donā€™t know how this works. Yes, spending bills originate in the House but NEWS FLASH the spending in question has already been passed by the House and as such has already been authorized by that body. So itā€™s really a case of contradictory declarations by the House, a situation that by definition demands discretion by the executive branch as well as grounds for a constitutional challenge.


They often skip over the first, especially when it comes to religion.


Spending bills may originate in either house of Congress.

Revenue bills must originate in the House Committee on Ways and Means.

I recommend a refresher course from Schoolhouse Rock.


Some days I think that Kev is going to morph into another McCarthy and start asking people ā€œAre you now or have you ever been a communist?ā€


When the Republicans start mouthing off about unfettered spending I really wish there was someway to run a credit check on these folks.
I want to know who has a mortgage, credit card debit, student loan debt, any bankruptcies, or medical debt. I just want to see how ā€œnormalā€ are they.


trump is doing his best George Santos impressionā€¦

I seem to remember a tape of trump saying when you are a star women let you do anythingā€¦
Have I said today how much I detest liars like trump?