WaPo has a follow up or maybe their own investigation that got scooped by The Guardian. Lemme link it. This is troubling shit. She AND her husband were raised in this cult, her husband’s grandfather was a cult member. She was a “handmaid” by designation. After she was appointed to the Circuit in 2017 by Trump in McConnell (at the age of 46, and having had zero judicial experience other than being a law clerk) the People of Praise have deleted and censored their website. No one from the People of Praise will answer a single question about her. What are they all hiding? This is like Trump’s tax returns, the cover up on this woman’s “speaking in tongues” cult. And this is totally separate from her and the other GOP appointees’ membership in The Federalist Society Finishing School for Activist Ideologue political operative justices.
Reads like a screenplay. It’s so easy to imagine a scriptwriter using actual events like this to write just such a nightmarish script. They do it all the time. She’s a Manchurian Candidate for the fetus people. So many scripts – and novels – are just fictionalized versions of real people and events.
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