Will A Storm Of AI-Generated Misinfo Flood The 2024 Election? A Few Dems Seek To Get Ahead Of It

Plus the overlooked minority of 1,440 leap year entrants.

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A hippie bro back in the 60s used to say “We’re all DOOMED to eternal bliss!”

“Hope you die before its too late!” Also too.


Politics has always been about power, but what I’ve seen changed over the decades is that it’s moved from being a part of civic life, to a sporting event. Sports fans can be fanatical about their teams, but sports teams don’t have the power to control your very life.
The devotion to the Republican party and it’s dogma, not politics, as gotten out of control.


It’s lovely that ‘a few’ Dems are concerned?

Why aren’t all of them? I know we have a mixed house of sectors in our party, but losing to the GQP shouldn’t be an option, no matter what angle the sectors come from.

And religion has always been about politics (and power). Although polls show that many in the US (and elsewhere) are moving away from religion, that is mostly organized religion to a more vague and flexible “spirituality.” They are not necessarily embracing atheism.


I’m all in favor of regulating the hell out of AI. But it seems the problems this article addresses aren’t AI but CGI. That is, some computer didn’t randomly decide to create an image of the Pentagon blowing up and then get its friend Meta (humans know it as facebook) to distribute it across all digital platform. A selfish cheating Republican is testing the Deep Fake waters. He won’t be the last.


Ha - sez you. The Cat Mothership will land and take all the good cat lovers off the planet first. To be cat pets, yes, certainly. But we can deal with that.


Or, if you are a comely white female below the age of 30, he will impregnate you and bring you to his genius farm.


So the change would be that we are in that status somewhere else rather than here.

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And we can count on all four of them. :face_with_monocle:


Oh bull…, disclaimers in small print at the bottom of the screen are of no effect.
Orwell would have said, “I told you so”.

As someone above pointed out, low info voters are the target.
They see the images, hear the slogans and it becomes their reality.
The Nazis used film to create cartoonish images of Jews to make them look vile and evil.
It worked, if we’re to gauge it by the results.
Everything that social psychologists learned decades ago about rumor, urban legends, & propaganda apply here. It’s just new technology put to vile purposes.
AI isn’t needed. It wasn’t needed for Willy Horton. It just makes it easier and faster to whip out this vile propaganda.


Orwell predicted all this. He watched the Soviets and Nazis and what they did to justify their evils to the masses. They did it with film, radio and print.
AI is just another tool to do what humans have done for the forces of evil for generations.


Look, would you rather lie in the sun on a comfy pillow and have a giant cat pet you and talk to you condescendingly on the planet Felix, or work in the ore mines for your robot overlords on what the Republicans left of Earth?


I am a tiny bit concerned about the litter box issues . . . and that catnip will be legal there.


it will be the same as here on earth, the cats will just use the outdoors, and they’ll accomodate our weird predilictions with porcelein water containing waste disposal
you’re overthinking this


Or as my cats have typically thought of it, the great big and unnecessarily tall water bowl. And for the record, I usually overthink everything. It is my default mode.


What would get legislation passed (much like the Black Panthers open carrying in Reagan’s California) is some hacktivist creating almost-certainly-truthful video/audio confessions by a bunch of the usual republican suspects. Disclosure requirements would be enacted so fast. (Also much the way that video rental record privacy suddenly became an issue after Clarence got outed.)


Metadata doesn’t work that way. I can create a fake photo in Midjourney or Dall-E, upload it to Twitter, and it isn’t going to have any metadata identifying it as AI-generated. The only traceable info is my account and IP address. Am I an AI or a human? Who knows?

There actually are some methods that could identify AI-created text, images, and videos using embedded “token” elements that are given slightly higher priority than other elements, and are rotated on a regular basis. A date and time match on the uploaded content vs. the tokens prioritized at a certain time could help identify that the content is AI-generated.

But this requires cooperation of the companies offering the AI product, and everyone would have to be on board. That won’t happen, because this stuff is getting so good that you won’t need giant server farms run by OpenAI or Google. Smaller programs without the tagged tokens will run on anyone’s computer or phone.


Will A Storm Of AI-Generated Misinfo Flood The 2024 Election?

It’s not the articificial intelligence I’m concerned about, it’s the natural dumb.


It gets a little more interesting when we actually achieve the technical ability to end the world (or at least the human part). That threshold has already been reached with the development of nuclear weapons.

AI is potentially worse, because it’s not going to be under the control of governments. It’s going to be far more widely distributed. And Congress is so far behind what’s happening that there’s no hope of legislative guardrails. Even if the hopelessly out of touch Congress critters understood it, the competition with China for AI military dominance would prevent any meaningful guardrails.

I don’t think we’re necessarily doomed, but this is the first technology after the atom bomb that has equivalent potential.

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