Scandals here, scandals there, scandals everywhere … without end. Some very consequential … most not.
My question is … why should trump walk? Anybody else doing what he has done (think from J6 coup to his hoped for dictatorship) would’ve been branded a traitor yet he is free to buy his ice cream and let admiring idjets take selfies with him.
Katie Hobbs would beg to differ, Mr Bannon.
In his speech in SC over the weekend, he returned to the BLM/Antifa bad, J6 patriots good theme.
“Stupid hurts” and “You can’t fix stupid.” are lines from right wing “comedians.”
Too stupid to understand he’s stupid?
and, you know, the voters.
In a discussion about Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin suggested that he might be stuck in some kind of hostage situation for Donald Trump world.
I’ll point it out again, Kimberly Yee, a Republican running for State Treasurer, received 120,000 more votes than Kari Lake. From the Mediaite article:
about 33,000 voters in Maricopa County alone voted for down-ballot Republicans but then split their ticket to vote for Democrat Hobbs for governor,
Lake is just a sore-ass, pissy loser.
Because we have a feckless Attorney General.
When your party’s real commitments are stirring racial animus, attacking drag queens, and “owning the libs,” sound policy is an afterthought.
That reminds me of a song by Mark Graham, Life is Hard, but Life is Hardest When You’re Dumb.
I have a hard time separating many of the human qualities when the basic operating feature is No Accountability.
A person can act dumb, cruel, greedily, uncaring, self-harming…all of it. But when the rules/game has shifted to the place where you pay no price for breaking laws, rules, codes, traditions, social contracts, or even attacking and harming your own party…all other human foibles like “stupid” and “tone-deaf” and “self-defeating” become just background noise.
The No Accountability, Never Pay A Price for their No Rules party just blots out everything else. It doesn’t matter if you are smart or dumb, a relatively decent person at heart - or some kind of hell-spawn. R voters don’t care what heinous stuff you are up to, and it is a complete free-for-all on the R side.
All the ranting and raving and bombast and threats… and there is no way to do what they are promising to do. They have no leverage until the fall. But McCarthy promised the Freedom Caucus because they insisted. ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts.’
How does the MSM miss the obvious. Weeks of strum und drang about an imminent threat that isn’t an imminent threat.
Hopefully by next September, natural and other causes will have decreased the amount of GQPers to put them back in the minority. I remember Michael Moore mentioned that 17 or so House members left during the last session.
Isn’t it more of a neverthought?
Not really :).
Oh what an ugliful morning,
Oh what an ugliful day.
I’ve got an ugliful feeling,
Something ugly is slouching my way.
I blame her parents for naming her “Jinger.”
At this point apparently so
Well, lets us see what Fani Willis does…
One thing is certain I think … “imminent” does mean something different to legal types than the rest of humanity. In science it means minutes or maybe hours … in every day parlance maybe a couple days but to legal types it could mean anything from months to years … decades even.
Two years since J6 and smaller fry have been tried and some sentences are pending. Others have trials under way. But trump buys ice cream and shares selfies with adoring idjets.