Is this even legal? He is Senate confirmed, but the act that created DNI also said Principal Deputy Director of Nat Intel should become acting, but we don’t have one of those, although there is a career official carrying out the duties of PDDNI, with the improvised title of Principal Executive.
It is clear that there are three goals in Trump’s appointments: 1) protect orange sack o’ sheeyut 2) find out the SCI they try to sanitize for djt so he doesn’t give it to pooty 3) destroy as much of the functioning capability of the agency as possible.
Technically, yes. But basically Trump fills judgeships with Federalist Society listers, and all other positions with relatives or Fox News personalities. This kind of incompetence in government generally constitutes gross negligence, but in the case of the Grenell pick, it was entirely intentional on Trump’s part.
“The President can do whatever he wants with intelligence, but as a member of the intelligence community, you can’t politicize the intelligence,” Edmonds said.
Trump Administration: Hold my beer!
But, oh, yes…yes, you can. Do aluminum tubes and Colin Powell in front of the UN ring any bells???
By the way, I love the multiple layers of snark in this bit:
Grenell, a vocal Trump loyalist who is currently the ambassador to Germany, brings to the job of acting Director of National Intelligence years of experience aggravating the German government coupled with a background in strategic communications.
Yeah that is good. hahahahahahaha Angela has enough trouble fending off the right in Germany - she didn’t need his helping them try to bring her government down.
Good riddance as far as Germany is concerned. Bad move for us. The guy seems to be one step up from Alex Jones.
Well, there’s that. The tax cut simply leaves $1.2 trillion in uncollected revenue on the table. Then there is the giving away of subterranean mineral rights on federal lands, privatization of traditional public goods and services, padding of government procurement contracts, commandeering the executive to go golfing, etc. Certainly fair to say Trumpster looting is worth several trillion a year.
I’m getting more and more convinced, at least in my mind, that trump is really a Manchurian Candidate for Putin.
So much of what he is doing benefits Russia in ways that must spin the graves of all the old Politibureau (?), Kruschev and Brezhnev and Andropov and all the rest must be spinning quite a tango in their graves at what one stupid psychopathic ahole has done in 3 short years.
Sure, the Corps and Oligarchs are getting rich, but the Authoritarians are the ones really reaping right now. President WarDerCharDenGiege is going to have their hands full fixing this mess.
The Dems better not let this slide like they did Reagan and Bush, because those people will keep causing trouble until they die and go to prison.