After the Michigan State Capitol Commission moved to ban the open carry of firearms in the Capitol building on Monday morning, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said that the move is “a good start, but more action is needed.”
Well, now that Yertle got punted, we can actually take the action needed to appropriately regulate firearms. Not seize from responsible gun owners, just regulate. Commit a crime with a gun, and you get 3 hots and a cot in local / state / federal accomodations.
If whichever idiot Militia Barbie it was who threatened to carry in DC actually turns up for work with a gun, two members of the Capitol Police should be assigned to follow her around all day with rifles for the protection of everyone who can’t avoid coming into contact with her.
Without a doubt it is too little. From a practical perspective, why TF would you start with “open carry?” At least those people you could keep an eye on. Concealed carry is a whole other thing – far more dangerous.
I know it is purely political, but there are plenty of other places you can’t concealed-carry, and a metal detector would be pretty easy.
Please correct me if wrong.
You may not carry a gun in NRA HQ or at their Convention.
You may not carry a gun at the RNC’s Convention.
So there will be no objections, by Republicans, banning open or any type of carry in any State Capitol?
You would think that after last Wednesday, most lawmakers would support better gun regulation. But after Scalise was nearly killed, you would have thought he would see the value in limiting guns. But no.
If nearly dying and forever disabled, I’m not sure how some minds can be changed.
I believe the reasons why you can’t carry a gun at the NRA or RNC Conventions is because they pick venues that won’t allow open carry. Now what I find interesting is why they both choose to have big convention events in places that won’t allow open/ concealed carry. As for NRA HQ that really is a head scratcher, unless they don’t own the building or land in which their HQ is located, so it could be a lease thingy.