Who gives a rat’s left gonad?
The rat, presumably, but. . . point taken.
Who gives a rat’s left gonad?
The rat, presumably, but. . . point taken.
a month ago nobody even thought about it?
It’s bad because it’s contagious. JFC.
Wait, a couple of weeks ago he said that no one in this country should have it soon. Something about there only being 19 patients and they were all getting better. He wasn’t wrong about that, was he? And, if he was, was he wrong about anything else?
Somebody get the hook. He is barking mad.
Is he still talking?
Really, honestly, just shut the fuck up. How does this Thing not have a goddamn off switch?
Well, his lips are moving - he might be trying to communicate…
blabbering, rather
Yes, because the stock market isn’t closed yet.
What he’s doing is describing a fantasy mindscape in which nothing is his fault, he’s to be commended for everything he’s done, and things will very soon be back to normal which is to say he’d once again have a shot at reelection. Whether that’s communication in any meaningful way is the question.
That Trump is saying bad means:
I do not trust a damned thing trump says.
You know that virus hoax? You know, that had a few people sick but they were all getting better and soon no one would be sick? That thing that was going to disappear miraculously? The thing everyone needed to relax about, because it was totally contained and under control, thanks to my decisive leadership?
I personally have just discovered that it’s real, and it’s bad. Who knew? I’m the first person actually to realize that. So all that stuff people have been telling you to do for weeks, like getting tested, social distancing, not shaking hands, working from home? Yeah, you should do all that stuff.
Actually, not getting tested, not yet. That won’t be ready until next week. Or maybe the week after…
And as for hospitals in need of respirators? Go fuck off and die. I mean, take it up with your governor.
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Stand in line
I thought clowns were supposed to be entertaining. These guys suck.
Our “stable genius” discovers COVID-19 all by hisself cuz he plays with leggos and golfs.
Pence has to do clean-up for Trump because Trump cannot speak in complete intelligent sentences.