Where Things Stand: Exit Jack Smith

NO PARDON. None. Never. Ed Meese may be able to claim “I am unindicted, therefore innocent”, but the sick fuck can’t do that. He’s been indicted multiple times, and while he may be able to wave around his mushroom and make the cases go away, all Americans know what a disgusting piece of crap he is. I hope Jack Smith releases EVERYTHING. Maybe the press will take notice.


I disagree. The rule of law demands that the law is independent of elections or elected officials would be immune from all prosecution. And not even the Supreme Court took that line.

When a voter chooses a candidate it is to serve in an office. They are not weighing in on guilt or innocence in terms of breaking a particular law (and I would argue do not think of themselves as doing so).


Your reality is not mine.

Winning the election in no way negates his crimes of trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election or stealing incredibly highly classified documents.

Nor should the cases be halted. The long standing DOJ whatever of not prosecuting a sitting president likely never envisioned a president seeking re-election to avoid prosecution. Force Trump to be the one to step in to halt the criminal proceedings.


I feel like Merry at the end of the Entmoot in Peter Jackson’s version of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. “How can that be your decision?” How can people be okay with this and how can it be right to just close up shop on a criminal indictment because the defendant happens to be President-elect?

If he’s a criminal, he deserves to be treated as one, regardless of who he is. Otherwise, “No man is above the law” is meaningless.


People elected a criminal. That part was not hidden. That is what they want, a criminal. They made their selection with conscious choice. In a democracy, people cannot be spared from the consequences of their choices.


And now, of course, Trump will be able to issue pardons for any federal crimes to anyone he wants, no questions asked, any time, etc. etc. So that should make it easy for him to convince people to carry out any crap he asks them to carry out – and they can walk away scot free, no questions ever asked…while HE walks away scot free after giving whatever the heinous crime order is, so long as he can piously claim it was official business (easy peasy, most likely, just use the right words in the right order)…So let the criming begin. Thanks, John Roberts!


Well, if Harris doesn’t want to preside on Jan 6, Joe could resign in her favor. It might then be late enough in Inauguration planning to screw with the 45/47 motif. Oops, change it all to 45/48 with some White-Out!


I look at it as dropping a bomb on the ego of the orange twit honestly. The news cycle will flip to the transfer and he will be relegated for a short time to second string status. And he would, if need arises, have to address her a Madam President.


I would want to earn it.


I’ve been planning a rewatch of those movies. Now they’ll be bittersweet.

Last evening, I distracted myself with the last few episodes of Parks and Recreation. I may never be able to watch the series finale again–too heartbreaking on so many levels.



Does anyone here like to be lectured by someone who has not commented for more than half a year?

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“Special Counsel Jack Smith is reportedly in talks with officials at the Department of Justice to “wind down” his two prosecutions of President-elect Donald Trump; one over January 6, and the other over his retention of classified documents from his first term.”

If you have evidence of criminal activity why do you pull out? Make the criminal’s Justice Department halt the proceedings.


I’m curious to know not only what DOJ policy will allow him to include but also how legal constraints will affect his report. For instance, I assume he has to be careful about information obtained solely from grand jury witnesses. Also, can he name the names of un-indicted co-conspirators?

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“Packing it in” seems a poor choice of words for something about which Smith has no choice and for which no one could rightly attach any blame to him.


Would you rather have Trump and his AJ halt the cases, with all kinds of grandstanding and lies? I believe that a special prosecutor, when he wraps up his work, is required to produce a report, as Mueller and his team did. By wrapping things up in the coming weeks, Smith will be able to produce a report that Garland can (and surely will) make public, with any redactions being fully justified, as they would not be under Trump and his AJ. Given Trump’s regular disregard for the law, Smith probably wouldn’t be allowed to write a report at all.


Anyone who wants any reliable info from a federal website is advised to make a local copy before Jan 20th.


So you can publish a report without interference? Just speculating here, as a non-practitioner.


Like all people, no nation or empire is immortal. All will eventually cease to exist, die if you will, either slowly or rapidly, some perhaps slowly even imperceptibly at first, but then rapidly. Many nations have begun modestly, grown to their sometimes great heights and then gradually become senescent in ways that are imperceptible to most of not all their inhabitants.

For all its glory, even the shining city on a hill that some have described America is not immune. Sheltered from centuries of European wars of conquest and religion by the Atlantic Ocean, and even fortuitously launched into a place of international power following WWI and especially WWII. With our vast supply of diverse natural resource’s and, in contrast to Europe our industrial base untouched by the ravages of war, was there to meet decades of pent up global demand fettered by the Great Depression and two world wars.

They set the stage for what many see as America’s Golden Age of the 1950s-1970s. Inequality of income and wealth, had been high from the Gilded Age high from shortly before the turn of the 20th century through WWII. Inequality fell dramatically during FDR’s administrations and WWII, giving rise to an unprecedented comfortable middle class. Inequality again raised its ugly head beginning with Reagan in 1980, and has continued largely unabated ever since, putting us back at Gilded Age levels.

Trump is a gifted con man who has snookered a great many good low to medium wealth Republicans into thinking he can bring back the glory days. But in fact Trump is making rich richer and the poor poorer while bleeding the middle class to benefit the rich.There is a reason he has had to seek bankruptcy protection multiple times, leaving others holding the bag. This time he has enlisted Christian Nationalists to assist him, and they too will eventually be abandoned when they are no longer useful.

Sadly, tragically, Trump, who has created his own Golden Parachute is driving America over a fiscal and cultural cliff. But hey, his hand picked Suoreme Court has handed him absolute immunity. I don’t think the Almighty will be as understanding or forgiving.


Smith should prepare his report but otherwise do nothing to wind these cases down. MAKE Trump publically do the firing/ dismissing so there is no ambiguity about the corruption taking place.