Where Things Stand: Barr’s Saving Face | Talking Points Memo

Red, red whine, you make me feel so fine, Trump like to tweet all time, red, red whine…


Hah! Even better captions than I’d thought up.


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Another sycophant will learn the truth of ETTD.

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Barr is the one feeling the pain for Trump’s overreach. Trump isn’t but Barr is getting pounded by his peers.

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Not gonna happen.

Trump is hoping that RBG dies (or resigns) before the Election so he can put Barr on the SCOTUS (or maybe Trump’s Sister, the “retired” Circuit Court Judge who “retired” rather than be investigated by NY State prosecutors about how Fred Trump Sr. funneled over $800 million to his children illegally through various tax dodges. Trump really is stupid enough to try that, and you KNOW the Republican Senate would approve it.)

He would then replace Barr at AG with someone like Rudy or Nunes or Gaetz, a true asslicker.

Barr isn’t so much a Trumpist as he is a “Monarchist” who wants to see a “President as King” in office, not necessarily Trump however.

The duplicity and double-gaming is enough to drive a rational mind crazy. NOTHING is as it seems, except - apparently - tRumps desire, ‘need’, “ASSIGNMENT” to clear Moscow and remove sanctions?


At a London pretrial hearing in the extradition case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday, the court was informed that Assange will be calling a witness with explosive testimony. According to Assange’s legal team, that witness will report that Assange was approached while in exile and offered a pardon by the U.S. government if he would claim that Russia was not involved in the theft and release of documents from the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.

The visitor bringing this offer, according to Assange’s attorney, was former California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. But the claim is also that Rohrabacher was there on behalf of Donald Trump, to let Assange walk if he would only say that Russia was not involved.


When I saw the TV interview last week with Barr talking about wanting Trump to stop tweeting so he could do his job, Barr took pains to mention “the men and women” of the DOJ.

“Men and women” sounds more folksy, egalitarian and feel-good than simply saying “people”, or another more emotionless designation.

Barr is dishonoring every one of those people he is referring to.

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That face would take a lot of effort to save.

the attorney general is mulling resigning over President Trump’s tweets about the Roger Stone case…
You mean, bitch-face wants to exit the horror show at this late stage? He doesn’t want to wait around and go down with his ringleader? What a coward!

This is another head fake from the pubs, nothing more. Barr is in way too deep to jump ship now.

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Ah, the I might quit or I might fire him transparent Kabuki dance by wanabe despot Treacherous Trump and his fellow fat watery outlaw enabler AG Barr for the consumption of the Don the Con naive, ignorant, and gullible snake oil consumers…