Where Things Stand: A Key Jan. 6 Figure Pleads Guilty, Saying She Urged Oath Keepers To Delete Texts


Karma is waiting for that crook.

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I though this was the other convention thread where I had just posted that Bill Clinton still has it. Entirely my fault/misunderstanding, and I apologize if you were, yourself, like WTAF.

Or for not doing so, if they’re a mandated reporter.

If you falsely – i.e., deliberately – report a false crime you can be charged with that crime. Reporting an actual allegation of abuse under requirement of a statute does not get you to that crime. It takes intent to deceive (may vary slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction).


Now, if only there were a suitable distance between the hook and the floor, at the time he is let off it.

9.8 m/sec/sec – it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law.

Paxton is nearly Rasputin-like, in escaping his political death(s).

Rasputin got his in the end. A fitting death. Maybe Paxton can have a similar send-off. :smiling_imp:

On the night of December 29–30 (December 16–17, Old Style), Rasputin was invited to visit Yusupov’s home, and, according to legend, once there, he was given poisoned wine and tea cakes. When he did not die, the frantic Yusupov shot him. Rasputin collapsed but was able to run out into the courtyard, where Purishkevich shot him again. The conspirators then bound him and threw him through a hole in the ice into the Neva River, where he finally died by drowning. However, a subsequent autopsy largely refuted this account of events; Rasputin apparently was shot to death. (wiki)

Thank you Josh. Bedrocks of my childhood, political education were The True Believer, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and The Authoritarian Personality, which are as relevant today as in the 1960’s. Not to mention 1984, Brave New World, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Walden, the Ninth Wave, Rally Around the Flag Boys, Catch 22 etc. Thanks to my big brother for sharing his college reading.

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Any indications in Texas that the GOP is cheating in local and statewide elections? I ask because they seem to be spending a lot of time creating smoke where there ain’t fires…but who is looking into where there might actually be fires?