This article originally appeared in ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
Those who support the Constitution must come to an understanding.
“Stop The Steal”, which was started long ago by the corrupt Trump-pardoned Trump-adviser Roger Stone, was never intended to deal with a stolen election, though that is what its propaganda insisted. “Stop The Steal” was actually “Start The Steal”. The intent was to usurp the Constitution, effectively depose the legally elected POTUS-elect, and impose the loser as POTUS.
The people who assaulted Congress were performing seditious acts and insurrection. In other words, they were performing an Act of War in open Rebellion against our government in blatant opposition to our Constitution. What I am saying is that these people are traitors.
One of the insurrectionists openly stated that “Death is the only remedy.” Believe him. Some of these people had every intention of capturing and executing representatives of our government. These people are traitors.
I am not a fan of the death penalty, but I believe that some of these people either need to be made martyrs, or they need to be locked away for a very, very long time. Along with the seditionist who inspired and directed their violent and murderous acts, Donald J. Trump.
Types like this think votes in a election long finished are actually counted in some secret room in the capitol with jews rocking slowly in high backed chairs, steepling their fingers like Mr. Burns in The Simpsons.
While I understand that the grift is an important motivator for Satan’s Avatar and his corrupt cronies, it is minor compared to acts of treason by making war against our government and Constitution. These people are traitors. They must be hunted down and brought to justice and thereby removed from society until they have paid an adequate price and been deprogrammed. These are the same people who supported the racists and fascists at Charlottesville. There is no room in a healthy society for these sick people.
Am can’t believe I’m still surprised at how many people, elected officials, politicians have no fucking clue how the election process works. Back in Jan. I went to a meeting to hear my state rep speak. The meeting was more than her, it was held be the St. Louis chapter of Missouri Progressives. They had also invited the Democratic Commissioner of the St. Louis Board of Elections. He was there to talk about the new machines we would be using in the upcoming elections. Well his talk was more than the machine, he went into the process, and I’m so glad that I went.
I will say that I can state by going to that one meeting I have more knowledge of how the vote process happens than most to the people who attended the riot. I’m also pretty sure that these bums don’t know how different voting is by state, and then by county in a state.
And when the time comes for Trump to stand before the judge, he will never ever admit to doing anything wrong. His lawyers’ last defense is “Your honor even though our client was POTUS he really isn’t that smart, some would even state that he is incapable of learning, and thus can’t understand that words can incite actions among his supporters”.
Is entering a secure facility without permission a felony?
I’m asking because I believe they’ll lose their voting rights for committing a felony. I’m pretty sure many of these folks don’t realize some of the fun things that happen to people when they break the law, despite probably engaging in other illegal activities they’ve often been protected by the police.
And it’ll be fun to have to worry about real voter fraud for a change. All those criminals trying to vote dontcha know.
A black cop standing alone in front of a crazed group of white supremacist insurrectionists? I doubt whether the wrong thing was ever an option for him. What’s impressive – and eminently worthy of the award he’s going to get in a unanimous vote – is that he had the presence of mind to lure the MAGAts away from the Senate chamber. That little chest-shove against QAnon guy was tactical genius, and he did it knowing that they could rip him apart whenever they chose to do so.
If armed, yes. If unarmed, no. If you read the criminal complaints and press releases, the feds are paying very careful attention to that distinction. They went out of their way, for instance, to note that the QAnon Shaman Retard was armed with a spear, i.e., his flagpole.
Flagpoles have been white supremacist weapons for at least several years now, because they look like innocent means of First Amendment expression right up until they’re being used to try to beat someone to death. Note how needlessly thick Confederate Flag Retard’s wooden flagpole was.