What To Know About the MAGA-Run Georgia Board Trying to Delay Election Certification 

That’s what I’m hoping - they won’t be able to withstand the pressure (and litigation)


Given the utterly corrupt Supreme Court, the only way to fight this kind of shit is to completely crush Trump at the polls. Harris needs to widen the map and collect sufficient electorial votes to make Georgia irrelevant.


@gtomkins, one possible wrinkle (though, I’m no expert, so someone tell me I’m wrong): A candidate needs to receive a majority of the electors appointed by the states. As as result, if GA fails to appoint it’s electors, there are now 522 total, and a majority is now 262, not 270. Actually opens up some interesting electoral math scenarios. For example, win PA, lose WI and MI, but win NV and AZ to get to 262. Not the most likely scenario in the world, but you get the idea.


This is the headline.


The difficulty here is that States have the responsibility to run their elections without outside interference from the Feds or other States.

I have no idea how this will pan out, but if the certification of the results is denied, then it needs to extend to the entire ballots and not just the parts they don’t like.

Georgia can be excluded from the final count. It’d be great - no more EmptyG.


I’m not sure the voters in GA are smart enough to understand that their votes won’t count, at least the ones outside the cities.

It would be nice to hear from the voters as to their thoughts on this process.

This next election is going to be a real bitch. We are going to have to be very patient, follow the laws, and finally put more of these cheating Rethugs behind bars. They never learn that their blatant cheating is why the whole damn GQP is going down in flames.


Yeah, yeah. But “people are saying” … … works pretty well in some venues. Maybe they need reminding what happened to Rudy and his crew in Georgia. Or Tina Peters in Colorado who was just found guilty of election tampering. There can be dire consequences. Secretaries of State and election supervisors need to make it perfectly clear what is NOT legal or part of their job. No pleading ignorance.


it should be no real shock that as the Harris-Walz ticket builds momentum & and looks like it could win - all elements with MAGA attributes & with any degree of puppet strings from the Orange one will slide toward operating outside of the law & rules - they will take this by armed robbery if necessary - unless - they are clearly about to be annihilated … then they will run the other way and say they chose to sit it out because there was too much cheating against them!


The key here is that it’s no longer 270 electoral vote. Each state gets one vote. Democratic voters outnumber conservatives, but red states greatly outnumber the blue states.

If they can refuse to certify so that the results have to be decided by Congress, the Republican nominee automatically wins.


They call this “A legal roadmap to protect the 2024 election including from 35 officials who have refused to certify results.”

It just was published today, so I haven’t had a chance to read it, but Noah Bookbinder was on Rachael Maddow last night talking about it.


One assumes that this does not apply only to the Presidential election, but to House and Senatorial elections, State and Local as well. This will cause total chaos. That is all the Rethugs have to offer.


I don’t think it works that way. They would still need to get a majority of 270.

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Yes, but they are changing the laws to make the interference legal.


These @$$holes believe that they are supersmart. They had never stopped to think about what if Trump wins and Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb & Gwinnett Cos refuse to certify their elections?


“It’s language similar to what Trump himself has used in recent months when dodging reporters’ questions about whether he will accept the results of the election in November: ‘All we want is honest elections. If we have honest elections in Georgia and we have honest elections in Pennsylvania, we’re going to win them by a lot.’”

I submit that in Trump’s answer here he is not “dodging” the question. He’s giving an unequivocal and explicit answer. It’s Trump-speak for “I will only accept the results if I win.” We’ve already been down this road twice. His current plans to overthrow the result if he loses are both public and well-advanced. It could not possibly be clearer that that’s what he means.

He’s not “dodging”; he’s just flat lying. Not only does “dodging” cling to the impossibility that he might actually accept the results; it also gives him a pass on this obvious and blatant lie.

It’s really something to see reporters, even at TPM!, continuing to paw however feebly at the base of the Himalayan range of bullshit he has spewed over the years in search of even the wee-est pony of truth. There is no pony, friends. Not even a microscopic one. Never has been, and never will be.


Every time I get an opening to post this quote, I take it because it was so bleeping prophetic and right on point. You, my friiend, provided that opening:

“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”-David Frum


But will there be any Representatives from GA. If they refuse to certify the results, that includes the congressional races, too, right?


During last night’s Musk-Trump mutual admiration society streaming video, Trump seems to have confused Kamala Harris with the Queen of England

I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today. She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live.
She looked very much like our great first lady, Melania.
She [Melania] didn’t look like Camilla. Of course, she’s a beautiful woman and we’ll leave it at that.

Of course some might say that Trump was trying out a substitute name for Kamala, but why not take it at face value and say that Trump mixed up the two names? Let him deny that he got confused with the Queen of England.

Technically, Camilla is the Queen of the UK, but Trump certainly doesn’t know that distinction. And why refer to Melania in the past tense as if she were dead?


If they can’t certify the presidential election that happens simultaneously with all the others WTF?