What The GOP’s Infrastructure Pay For Would Actually Mean For States And Cities | Talking Points Memo

Given the stakes, I think it would be wise for Biden to secretly offer the three Crooked Manchins pardons, in exchange for their cooperation unmasking the extortionist.

Once freed from this nightmare, I imagine Senator Manchin might be more free to follow his conscience on matters of state.

And I would hope for some kind of consent decree to restore EpiPen pricing to reasonable levels and eliminate the artificial monopoly that Manchin’s wife created out of thin air to enrich her daughter.

Our enemies will actively seek out ways to gain similar leverage over key players. We live in the age of blackmail. We need to start acting like it. That means finding ways to help people escape from blackmail arrangements so they are no longer being controlled by criminals. It also means being ready to believe that individuals are acting under duress and are not free to communicate.

I posted this to a front page TPM article yesterday, and thought it might be of interest here. Warning: it’s pretty long.

We need to be big and bold in getting this infrastructure package through Congress; there is nothing more American than what we are trying to accomplish.

In fact, it could be argued that our present system of government arose from the need to build infrastructure.

Conservatives like to champion the laissez-faire, or hands-off, model of political economy, arguing that the private sector and its vaunted “Invisible Hand” provide all the guidance necessary to deliver the benefits of free market capitalism.

They deride activist government policies as meddlesome intervention and ill-advised Big Government interference, but such practices have a proud history of success in the American experiment in democracy.

And in actuality, the American system has long utilized an activist approach to creating opportunities for more widespread prosperity, and this approach to infrastructure – an underlying structure or support system – has taken many forms.

And ironically, it was a failing project that provided the impetus.

In 1785, years before the Constitution’s signing and his election as our first President, George Washington helped establish and served as the first president of the Potomac Company.

The firm attempted to construct a canal to make the Potomac River a major navigation channel for trade in the newly established United States.

Washington’s plans floundered because of, among other reasons, a lack of available technical expertise, conflicts between the states, an unstable American economy, and unreliable government aid.

The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company stepped in and eventually completed the project, linking the Ohio and Potomac rivers and opening up Appalachian trade to the Northeast.

Washington’s project led to a realization that infrastructure would be crucial to facilitate trade and the development of a large and growing country, and that federal government support and oversight would be necessary.

The shortage of American-based civil engineers ultimately doomed the original project but highlighted a crucial and unmet need, and soon civil engineering came to America to put planning, design and construction on a more sound professional footing.

Interestingly enough, the first academic degree offered by the U.S. Military Academy was in engineering.

In 1908 the Inland Waterways Commission noted the project’s significance:

“The earliest movement toward developing the inland waterways of the country began when, under the influence of George Washington, Virginia and Maryland appointed commissioners primarily to consider the navigation and improvement of the Potomac; they met in 1785 in Alexandria and adjourned to Mount Vernon, where they planned for extension, pursuant to which they reassembled with representatives of other States in Annapolis in 1786; again finding the task a growing one, a further conference was arranged in Philadelphia in 1787, with delegates from all the States.

There the deliberations resulted in the framing of the Constitution, whereby the thirteen original States were united primarily on a commercial basis — the commerce of the times being chiefly by water.”

As the nation expanded, additional infrastructural projects made other inland rivers and waterways more amenable for trade.

Later on, at the height of the disastrous American Civil War, President Lincoln embarked on developing the Trans-continental Railroad, an ambitious public-private project that connected the East to the vast western wilderness.

Train stations rapidly developed as hubs for trading and, eventually, burgeoning cities, as a growing and restless population trekked west in search of a new life promising opportunity.

Lincoln also championed land-grant colleges, which provided government grants for agricultural colleges in each state and prepared students of modest means for the opportunities that lay ahead, and his Homestead Act made millions of acres of government-held land in the West available for purchase at very low cost and provided opportunities for ambitious citizens to settle and develop the untamed wilderness.

A few decades later Republican President Theodore Roosevelt responded to the failure of French interests to construct the Panama Canal, and he pushed the U.S. to step in and complete the job, one of the greatest engineering challenges of its time.

With trade in the Western Hemisphere growing, the need was obvious: prior to the canal, a ship traveling from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean had to go clear around South America. A New York to San Francisco journey measured some 13,000 miles and took months.

Teddy’s Democratic cousin President Franklin D. Roosevelt got this nation out of the worst economic disaster in its history with massive government investments that provided work to citizens, electrified large swaths of the country with the Hoover Dam and Tennessee Valley Authority, and then, faced with the prospect of a fascist takeover of Europe, organized every mothballed factory, every shuttered foundry — every rusted scrap of obsolete productive capacity — into an economic powerhouse and fighting machine capable of turning the tide of history and liberating Europe.

Yes, FDR organized the nation’s recovery around the exigencies of war, but he did not anticipate the US maintaining a continuous war footing.

Instead, due to his planning for a postwar America, and robust government investments, progressive tax policies that channeled private investment into job-creating economic activities, and programs such as the G.I. Bill and the FHA that enabled veterans to buy homes, go to school, and support and contribute to American prosperity, we were able to transition into the largest peacetime economy with the biggest technological base.

The value of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s interstate highway system to facilitate movement and expanded trade is well known, but Eisenhower also pushed for developing the St. Lawrence Seaway, which connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean and facilitated expanded international trade.

Similarly, President John F. Kennedy in his tragically short term of office worked to promote American well-being and optimism through a widely shared prosperity and an emphasis on scientific, educational and cultural achievements, sought to community-organize through health care initiatives and civil rights reform, and promoted a sense of national purpose through initiatives such as the space program and the Peace Corps.

In a historic speech before a joint session of Congress, President Kennedy set the U.S. on a course to the moon with these words:

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.”

More recently, President Barack Obama, elected in the middle of a calamitous economic collapse, marshaled tremendous resources through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – the stimulus program.

As part of this massive effort, we committed $90 billion into clean energy – an unprecedented amount of funding into wind, solar, and other renewables – energy efficiency in every form; advanced biofuels; and electric vehicles, of which there are now more than one million on America’s roadways.

The stimulus produced the world’s largest wind farm, a half dozen of the world’s largest solar arrays, and America’s first refineries for advanced biofuels. It created a battery-manufacturing industry for electric vehicles almost entirely from scratch.

It financed net-zero border stations and visitors’ centers, an eco-friendly new Coast Guard headquarters, and jump-started three long-awaited mega-projects in Manhattan alone – the Moynihan Station, the Second Avenue Subway, and the Long Island Railroad connection to the East Side.

And it would have jump-started a multibillion-dollar rail tunnel to New Jersey and a high-speed rail system in Florida as well if Republican Governors Chris Christie and Rick Scott hadn’t killed those projects, and it would have pumped billions into modernizing and rebuilding aging public schools if not for the adamant objections of Republican Senator Susan Collins, a crucial vote for the stimulus bill.

Also thanks to the stimulus, we built power lines, water treatment plants, sewage plants and fire stations; we weatherized government buildings, refurbished parks, libraries, aging pipe systems and train stations; made 22,000 miles of roadway improvements, repaired 2,700 bridges, brought water to Central California farms and plumbing to rural Alaska villages, and committed $7 billion to bringing broadband internet service to underserved areas – a modern version of FDR’s rural electrification project.

Other components of the stimulus made crucial investments in health care – $27 billion to computerize our antiquated paper-and-ink based medical records system – as well as in transportation, medical and scientific research and the safety net, in addition to addressing the immediate needs of the cratering economy.

And despite the controversy over the historic size of the stimulus package, the Obama administration met every spending deadline, and it kept costs so far under budget that it was able to finance over 3,000 additional projects with the savings.

And that is the genius behind the success of the American Experiment: we have never stood still and passively waited for the ministrations of the “Invisible Hand” to guide the marketplace and shape our destinies.

No, as Americans we believe optimistically in our ability to beneficially organize, shape and transform our environment, and fulfill our capacity to actively create opportunities and achieve our potential — a capacity enshrined and safeguarded in our Declaration of Independence as the “pursuit of happiness.”

And so, the debate before us is not between big government and limited government, or big spending and fiscal conservatism; it is between smart, effective leadership that works to solve problems and bring people together to work toward mutually beneficial goals, on the one hand, and elitist and abusive governments that perpetuate the privileges of special interests, foster cronyism and stagnation, maintain power imbalances by dominating others, and ignore the consent of its people.

So enough with the hand-wringing and wasted time with those with small minds and small visions.

It’s time to be big and bold; our destiny is in our own hands.

It’s the age-old battle between chaos and community.

And so it goes in the continuing struggle for A More Perfect Union.


This is really stupid policy from Congress; the mere talk of it encourages local governments to spend recklessly before they’ve properly planned things out, like some minor business unit at work blowing its wad on office supplies simply to prevent central admin from clawing budget back at the end of the fiscal year. It’s a terrible way to manage finances.

The Biden Administration should say a big, flat no. Quite apart from anything else, a good chunk of infrastructure stimulus will come anyway from the funds conservative and especially Republican members of Congress are trying to claw back.

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Sinema’s motivation is to be the centre of attention. I read a piece on her career which described her as a woke member of the AZ legislature advancing causes with no hope of gaining any traction outside her district. She referred to it as a professional and political lonely place - and I immediately thought “Oh fuck! Just another unprincipled attention whore.”

Manchin is playing an entirely different game: he honestly needs moderate Republicans for cover when supporting Dem measures. It’s better for him that nothing passes by a partisan split vote. He’s seemingly trying to hand his seat to his daughter and so he’s protecting his brand.

Meanwhile, his pseudo-stonewalling is sending a clear signal to democratic organizers to pour a lot of energy into protecting Kelly and Warnock’s seats while looking to capture PA, NC and WI in 2022. If a decent infrastructure bill gets passed, Dems might squeak by in a number of races to add to their majority; but if the bill fails, I think the Dems will be gifted the issue that will decide 2022.

Rebuilding America has a nice ring to it as far as slogans go.


Indeed. But the poor vaccination rates in red states and red enclaves in blue states guarantees that COVID gets to bounce around and form newer variants which, hopefully, can be tamed by annual boosters.

COVID is fast becoming a Republican disease. I’m struggling to find the down side to this at the moment.

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And yet you took in four years of Trump. :thinking:

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What the hell was I thinking? Glad I snapped out of it, anyway.

That’s pretty hair-raising. If true (not that I would or could say otherwise), it would explain Trump’s entire career, let alone his single, twice-impeached term of office.

This is like the synopsis of the definitive tell-all of the Trump crime spree, written ten years from now.


That is certainly a possibility. But the WV Governor might have something to say about it. Infrastructure jobs would be most welcome in WV and you can bet Biden’s team has already got that Justice clown thinking it could restore his business holdings to billionaire status.

Sinema is the one I worry more about.

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Yes, yes, yes. Getting rid of earmarks was one of those things that seemed to be a good-government move but was actually disastrous for getting legislation moved through.

Because this stuff involves people, and people are complicated.


There are a lot of rolling disasters in motion these days.


Seeing Pete Buttigeig in the photo made me wonder about whether or not GQP opposition to the infrastructure bill rests in part in not wanting to see the profile of a gay man raised politically? Buttigeig, after all, will be overseeing much of how the finds are distributed and spent. He’ll be in the news a lot. Makes me wonder.

The red side of the aisle is filled with stories just like this.

Someone said it here in the Hive just the other day: the GOP view government as a platform for profiteering.

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Joy Reid gave the Democrats, and Manchin and Sinema in particular, but not sparing Biden and Garland, a good chewing-out yesterday. She wants them to wake up and start passing stuff.

It was a rare evening of anger from that point on until Brian Williams signed off, discussing the fallen state of the DOJ under Barr and the urgency for Garland to clean house and fire a lot of people. The sabotaged transition has people scrambling to get their arms around everything that went on there under Sessions and Barr.

Actually, Nicole Wallace started things off, and had some amazing interviews with Frank Figliuzzi, Timothy Snyder, Elie Mystal, Peter Strzok, Malcome Nance, and Chris Matthews.

I could be misremembering who was on which show, since I only listened to it, but it was a night of angry clarity.

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Hey Dems: here’s an idea - simply do make changes to the Trump tax law.

Done! NEXT!!

Normally I agree with your comments. Normally. However, living in “Ruralville” and not being a member of a “generational inbred family” I’m going to say your rant is uncalled for. It’s ok to let off some steam. It’s ok to see red and spew…once in a while. JR in MASS reply is noteworthy. We are in this together. We are the United States of America. I have the need for good roads and access to utilities. It would be great if access to the internet was better, but we at least have access. Also have the need for access to healthcare (local hospital and er closed two years ago…thank you gop). Not all of us in “ruralville” are conservative regeanites. (Cant stand the man or his politics. Acting either for that matter.) And don’t say, “move to another state”. We are a diverse nation with many opinions and beliefs. Just because I don’t agree with the majority in this state doesn’t mean I’m going to give up my home and peace and quiet of “ruralville” . So, calm down. Have some single malt and chill.


I would caution that a lot of poorer people in general, including in cities, are either a) having trouble convincing themselves that they wouldn’t be taking unauthorized and unpaid time off from work to get the shots or b) if minority don’t entirely trust something that still is under an EUA (if they’ve thought about it to that level) or that is still brand new to market and therefore not all that tested. In a country where people don’t get paid time off for medical and where Tuskegee is still a relatively recent memory these are going to be a factor. To take Chicago as an example, the rate of new vaccinations has slowed to a trickle, with the city still only at around 50 percent coverage, and barely a thousand a day coming in for first doses on some days. It’s really only a matter of time until there’s another wave.


I can understand why you feel that way as arrogant loudmouths dominate the news coverage, but this new piece from Ed Yong (who just won a Pulitzer for his pandemic reporting) lays out the downsides quite nicely.

“ Predictably, the new pockets of immune vulnerability map onto old pockets of social vulnerability.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey, a third of unvaccinated Hispanic adults want a vaccine as soon as possible—twice the proportion of unvaccinated whites. But 52 percent of this eager group were worried that they might need to miss work because of the reputed side effects, and 43 percent feared that getting vaccinated could jeopardize their immigration status or their families’.“


I wonder if the wingnut media are hyping up this “gonna miss work” idea. First I’d heard it.


I think the anger is not so much at “ruralville” than deep frustration with the perceived unfairness of the Electoral College and what is probably over-coverage of the crazies in Palookaville. It doesn’t help that local news reporting is dying out and the national media don’t do much reporting on rural America other than to interview people in diners wearing overalls every four years or so.
