What The GOP’s Infrastructure Pay For Would Actually Mean For States And Cities | Talking Points Memo

So you want to ditch federalism and let every state fend for itself because you don’t like it when conservatives run state governments?


No, I want to ditch the useless third-world red states that are pretty much the source of most of our fucking problems. Fuck Miss, Wyoming, and others. What the fuck do we get out of having them involved? Shrink the country down to producer states and let the GQP have their little fiefdoms. Once they start failing, we move in and conquer by force and take everything away from them. EVERYTHING. They deserve nothing, especially not my hard earned money and certainly not the affirmative action of the electoral college, gerrymandering, 2 senators per state idiocy that’s permitting them to set up minority-rules neofascism to rule over the rest of us despite them contributing nothing to the country but racist white Christian dominionist strife. Fuck 'em all to death.


“That this is now being floated as a pay-for is a slap in the face to local leaders who have just really struggled.”

And it is specifically designed to hand mayorships and governor’s races to Republicans as large cities suffer from it and blame their Dem leaders and become demoralized and fail to vote. FUCK. THIS.


WTF. The GOP spent a decade, a whole f’ing decade trying to repeal the premier Obama/Biden accomplishment.

Why are the Dems even entertaining the idea that they cannot repeal the Trump, unpaid for, tax cuts?

Simply tell them that Dems will agree to fully fund the infrastructure bill as long as we go back and retroactively eliminate the Trump bills that were not paid for.


I was right.

Your proposal is strikingly un-American and wildly illegal to boot.

Try thinking it through instead of running solely on anger.


Performatively trying to repeal it. The filibuster (and the fact they really didn’t want to, plus McCain) stopped them.

The best part is where blue states fund the red states, and then the red states leverage the funding they receive from the residents of the blue states and give companies tax breaks and minimal regulations so they move their businesses and workers from those blue states to the red states.

Blue states are for the most part paying for the red states to undercut them.


McCain was a surprise. If he hadn’t somehow got a conscience at the last second (or maybe Trump hadn’t pissed on him as much) they would have succeeded in repealing it.

In the meanwhile, they managed to remove significant parts of the bill through the legal system.

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OT—but nice.

The Pulitzer Prize committee has given a special citation to Darnella Frazier, the teenager who video taped the George Floyd murder.


There’s “woke” and then there’s “wook”.

Of course the problem is there are bright red enclaves in blue states and dark blue enclaves in red states. No way to split the baby in half and maintain viability.


I was going to say, “Stop, just stop this nonsense now” but this is so much better.


What’s illegal? I proposed no specific mechanisms. For one, it could be legally done by Constitutional amendment. Break up the union. That’s what they want. Why shouldn’t I want it too? send the fuckers packing so they can establish their little white Christian nationalist nation-states where libertarian trickle-down plutocracy reins supreme WITHOUT being propped up by the economies and GDP created by the blue states and watch it all implode like the supernova of ideological dumbfuckery it really is. Then they either crawl back or we just move in an take them back over, but without the affirmative action that’s allowing them to kill our democracy.

This isn’t unamerican. THEY are an unamerican necrotic tumor. The rest of us that remains committed to America and its democracy should debride them as soon as possible.


Those silly ideas also arise from a fundamental misunderstanding of what America is as a nation and a false belief that we shouldn’t help the less wealthy states because we dislike how they are governed.

As I said, it’s fundamentally un-American.


You need a nap.
And a big fattie to smoke before you fall asleep.


Sometimes just gotta vent lol. Relax and let the catharsis flow thru you…


Yep. Federal aid should be weighted in part based on the rates at which the states tax their own citizens to raise their own revenue first. No income tax? Well then, you better think long and hard about creating one if you want any of these sweet sweet federal dollars…


I asked this very question about Manchin in another thread: he has completely negotiated himself out of a position of power by unilaterally giving up scrapping the filibuster AND reconciliation (so, really, a double-barreled handicapping).

What’s his endgame here? What is it that he thinks will happen by giving away this leverage? (Or, should I be cynical and start thinking that he really doesn’t want some of these things to pass?..)


The Chamber of Commerce paid him to. They started donating to him again right as he wrote that op-ed last weekend…they haven’t donated to him since 2012 and the op-ed he wrote almost literally says, WORD FOR WORD, what the Chamber of Commerce has put out as its own talking points.


Ugh. But you’d think the CoC (not the great band, btw) would want infrastructure investment, no? Wouldn’t it help, you know, businesses & commerce?


Vax boosters or variant modifications seem a possibility in the coming year.