Suppose FOX State News will cover the indictment of all Epstein’s “friends with benefits”? Let’s go to the Golden Rolodex!
Beyond creepy.
I was yelling “Funk Trump” in the Women’s March the day after Orange Pustule Slav Chattel was inaugurated.
Like by the sword, die by the sword. Take back the media ju-ju he uses and use it AGAINST him. PERIOD.
He always has been. It’s part of his malignant narcissism. He’s lived a life marked by total inability to love anyone but himself or form actualized, sincere relationships with other people, even family, all while living a deep delusion of his singular above-ness over and therefore separateness from everything and everyone. It’s that loneliness he seeks to fill with adulation and it is a bottomless chasm.
that’s not real, is it?
Is that totally for real? Not photoshopped together?
Who’ve thought that it wouldn’t be russia, murdering kids at the border, unconstitutional acts or anything pedestrian like that that could actually bring Trump down, but rather the gold-standard of the good old-fashioned sex scandal.
A man who lives to outrage others really should have a thicker hide. There’s a passage in a Marianne Moore poem that the illiterate Trump should learn even if he can’t read.
This would be a fit haven for
waifs, children, animals, prisoners,
and presidents who have repaid
senators by not thinking about them.
Benito Mussolini would be so, so proud of Donnie.
Haha yeah. High five!
Keep the his anger burning. Darn that pesky 1st amendment.
The decision from the New York-based appeals court upholds an earlier ruling that Trump violated the First Amendment when he blocked individual users critical of the president or his policies.
Lardass and Baby Girl are real. I suspect someone has inserted Epstein (yuck, no pun intended) into the picture.
He did. They were extremely tight.
"A suit alleging that Trump knowingly raped a 13-year-old in Epstein’s Manhattan residence was filed in 2016, but was then voluntarily dismissed by the anonymous Jane Doe accuser.
The complaint, brought against Trump and Epstein, alleges that the victim attended multiple parties at Epstein’s residence in the summer of 1994 that Trump also attended. An anonymous witness claimed to be an employee of Epstein.
The plaintiff alleged that she “was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of parties, with other similarly situated minor females” at Epstein’s Manhattan residence. Trump was said to have attended at least four of the same parties, and to have known the plaintiff was 13-years-old, since he knew her for the previous 7 years, too.
The document alleges that Trump repeatedly initiated sexual contact with the plaintiff, then on the fourth encounter at one of Epstein’s parties, tied her to a bed, exposed himself, and “forcibly raped” her."
Additionally, Epstein had a stake in Trump Modelling,
“But they had a lot of social relationships,” Brown, who exposed the ramifications of Epstein’s secret plea deal, told MSNBC. “And the other interesting thing is Trump had a modeling agency, and Epstein also had a stake in a modeling agency, which they suspect he used to bring in underage girls from overseas.”
“There is a comment in one of the court files where Epstein is quoted as saying, ‘I want to set up my modeling agency the same way Trump set up his modeling agency,’” Brown continued. “I don’t know what that means, but it is curious he was trying to do something similar to Trump.”
Very curious, since it was a, like most Trump businesses, a financial bust.
I’ve long thought that Trump Models has needed to be thoroughly investigated. The stories that have already been published paint an extremely unpleasant picture. Now with the Epstein indictment and his involvement in it, even more questions arise.
You know who has got to feel great right now? That random American at the bar, to whom the Orange Cockwomble just ceded a whole lot of power because of his fragility. Love that.
Te baiser, Spanky!
No, I’m saying it more like he needs a family intervention. He has needed it for years, but more so now. It’s like watching a sinking ship.
For the first time in my life I’m upset I missed something on Fox News.
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Gosh Donnie…that’s what HAPPENS when you ‘think’ you have a deal but you don’t do jack sht to materially participate and only ‘think’ it’s your name that is needed.
Human trafficking, along with drugs, arms, and financial crime, is a cornerstone of the international dark money that Trump and Epstein laundered.