Puppy, I’ve a feeling we’re all in Kansas. Forever.
This sort of leaked information is far more relevant than John Podesta’s risotto recipe.
Given how Trump is very effective at ruling by fear, if Gaetz is thwarted it will be a victory to savor.
Organize for 2026 to take back the Senate and House. We don’t have that much time.
The former.
What are “Cartrages” and who is “Joy!”?
The world wants to know!
Yeah someone got to her. When she was first elected she wasn’t this cray-cray. Someone made her sit down and gave her the lecture on “how Trump wants his party members to speak”.
The pastor of Turning Point USA’s top dog, Charlie Kirk, says Trump was sent by God. If the almighty has no problem with Trump’s proclivities, why are we hassling his cabinet nominees?
And they call me woke!
Junior at the SpaceX launch. Was he dipping into his pocket, then rubbing something on his gums?
No ce name, Mace; is she named for the irritating spray, or for the medieval bludgeoning weapon?
If you head over to the r/Conservative sub on Reddit, you’ll see that a good chunk of his voters are NOT happy with his cabinet picks. They think he’s “triggering the libs” with his choices and he’s gone too far. What they don’t realize is, we’re not triggered, we’re just sitting back watching him make bad decisions after bad decisions and thinking “Elect a clown, expect a circus”. None of us should be surprised that he values loyalty over competence. The semi-competent ones from his first administration refuse to work with him.
Joy! is a good friend of Hi and Love You.
Re Texas and the Bible …
If only they were incorporating the Bible into lessons the way I learned it in a religion course in college (taught by a self-proclaimed devout Christian who was also an archeologist and was willing to put his doubts front and center): that it’s a book full of contradictions, written (or handed down orally) by Bronze Age wandering tribes, and that the teachings in the New Testament are far more about peace and understanding. Jesus’ teachings, that is, not Paul’s interpretations.
“That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary." - Rabbi Hillel
I wish the Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Wiccans and Pastafarians in the Texas schools a lot of luck.
I reiterate - fuck 'em; fuck 'em all.
Watched some Morning Joe this morning, and in the conversation about a Comcast spinning out MSNBC and other channels, Joe had a throwaway comment about being fired next year (Mika then says, “or tomorrow”). One can only hope after their Mar-A-Lago ring kissing stunt earlier this week.
Can I assume from the redaction that all the payments were to the same person?
FSM knows that once a religion is taught in schools it is on its last leg.
Unpacked our Nativity scene yesterday.
Removed all the Jews, Arabs, and foreigners.
Ended up with a jackass and a handful of sheep.
(Stolen. I’m not that clever)
Guy can’t even fake his expenses convincingly; pretty much nothing legitimate costs exactly $400.
So…the fee schedule appears to be $250, $300, $400 for (presumedly) three different types of sex act. Is the change in fee between December and January due to inflationary pressures, or does the last payment include a $20 tip? (Just the tip?)
I would like to see the all Senate Democrats just vote “present” on all of TSFF’s nominees, both in committee and on the floor. Even if it means letting the pedophiles and rapists get passed.
Make them own it. No help in blocking them, and if the Republicans want them blocked, make them vote against TSFF.
If they pass the pedophile, it’s a weapon against them. If they block him, TSFF will go against them.
Only “present” votes.