Happy Impeachment Hearing Day, everyone. Here’s to lots of sunshine and truth.
Is it one of the 14 million jobs that Ivanka created?
ETA: Or is it a real job?
That’s their brand:
Good On Parody.
In an earlier time, Trump would be summarily jailed with what he has done to NATO.
The OLC Memo would have been looked at and adjusted to, based on the seriousness of the situation.
Putin knew that when Trump assumed the Presidency, he would be able to do exactly what he is doing in this current environment.
This is hijacking NATO, and innumerable other relationships abroad.
As it is, the Trumpites are counting on massive ignorance in the population. Because if the vast majority of the population is found, this month, to not be as ignorant as Trump and Crew hopes, then his defense looks like this:
“I know I’m guilty of destroying your Way of Life, but I’m your President. I can do whatever I want. Deal With It.”
From WaPo:
The Democrats’ lead impeachment hearing lawyer made his bones as a prosecutor by sending mobsters, stock swindlers and a multimillion-dollar inside trader to prison, cases in which colleagues said he mixed brains and “swagger” to win convictions.
Daniel S. Goldman spent a decade as an assistant U.S. attorney in Manhattan, a jurisdiction known for its tough, high-profile cases. He left that job in 2017 to become a television legal analyst but now holds a weightier role questioning witnesses called to testify about President Trump’s effort to convince Ukraine to investigate a political rival.
His head is loaded. Unfortunately everything in there is built on conjecture, desperation and pure fantasy.
And cows.
Good luck with new job.
(hope there are no surprises)
Yes, I too was looking for a cow reference but it’s early for me. Just knowing this dunce is leading off for the Republicans is all one could ask for.
Enjoy your new adventure. Live long and prosper.
The Republicans’ “defense”
Trump’s “Comm (propaganda) Team” on another thread
Both counting on a massive amount of ignorance, bigotry, avarice, authoritarianism, apathy, fear and rank stupidity in the general population.
As an American, that is deeply insulting to me.
The juxtaposition of how Fox News and the rest of the right wing ‘media’ play this as compared to the rest will be interesting.
And please, NYT, CNN, and some others … do not both-sider this or give any credence to the bullshit conspiracy theories and lies the Republicans will be trying to play. Don’t report this as if there are two ways to look at the facts or suggest what a difficult job Democrats have. The Democrats, indeed the whole Congress, will have the facts right in front of them. It needs to be pointed out that it’s the Republicans who are ignoring and distorting the facts, and putting Trump over country, and it’s the Democrats who are faithfully fulfilling their Constitutional obligation to impeach and remove a corrupt president who has committed bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, obstructed justice, and abused the powers of his office.
The current media climate in America has brought us to a point that is ludicrous. The conventional wisdom mongers, the both sides do it “objective” reporters and the right wing outrage scream machine have poisoned the well so thoroughly that every issue feels insanely lop-sided and stacked against Democrats.
If it were a basketball game, the rules would state that the Repubs score every time they lob a ball toward the basket whether they hit it or not, and if the ball actually goes in it is an automatic 15 points. The Democrats only score if they shoot perfect swishes (points deducted if the ball touches the rim), and the referees would only allow the points if the shot was aesthetically pleasing as well as perfect. Additionally, defense on the Repub side cold take the form of a rugby scrum but Democrats would only be allowed to block with their bodies and not use their hands.
This is why I feel such trepidation about everything from the impeachment hearings to the Democrats choosing a candidate. Think about the basketball rules I outlined while you contemplate how the media has handled Trump’s statements on healthcare (especially pre-election) to the way they are attacking any and all Democratic statements on healthcare policy.
Exactly. It’s like they’d rather destroy the house instead of sharing housing with everyone.
Right, I know. Striking “balance” is not their job. Objectively reporting the facts is … as well as pointing out what’s true and what’s a lie. And objectivity does not mean both sides have a good point or may be right. I wish more would remember that.
Facts may have gotten in the way with everything coming from the criminal in chief being reported and many taking all this as Dog’s word. Wouldn’t be in print if not true, isn’t that right?
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Walter Cronkite was not touting “both sides” with Nikita, during those Days.
This situation is at least as serious. It may not have the absolute brinkmanship of 1962, but, long term, Trump (both sides reporting or not) will destroy Our Way of Life.
There is no Both Sides to that.
When I watched people like Douglas Kiker, Sander Vanocur, Edwin Newman, Irving R. Levine, I was not watching fucking celebrities.
I was watching the news. And the side was info.
What “The Democrats” need to do is keep this from being seen a Democrat vs Republican thing but a right vs wrong thing. Trump’s going to walk on this. In the end did he beat the Democrats or the rap? That’s what the Democrats should concern themselves with.
I have a hard deadline of 2pm for a proposal. This is gunna kill me, not being able to pay attention to this hearing!
I’ve got two easy surgeries and then nada. Ill keep everyone up on it.
I went out yesterday in 19 degree weather for snackage replenishment.