Not by my book. She’s no Natasha Bertrand.
I long for the days of the forthright integrity and truthiness of Sean Spicer.
At least, by comparison to his erstwhile successors.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and
I recently watched a special of his where he did his bits on germs and (not) washing his hands, and let’s just say he might have leaned more toward Hume on this one.
Kaleigh McEninny says what?
The press ought to laugh at her until she runs from the podium.
Give Kayleigh a couple of weeks. If she’s following the social distancing guidelines she’ll be a brunette in no time.
You could at least see the struggle on his good boy Catholic face that he knew lying was a sin, and the more he told, the more time he’d have to spend in confession.
“I’ll never lie to you…but I’ll spoon feed you a steady stream of bullshit that some news organizations will eat up because they love that I’m a young, pretty, blond, white woman and American media just can’t resist that!”
Is that why he looked for a confessional in the shrubbery?
It is not baffling,it is just Dumb Fuck Donnie normal.
So. Liars. What’s become of Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is she she still shambling for dollars?
Probably selling Covid miracle salve on late night tv.
I’m glad he is getting better, but it still sounds like he’s thanking God for sparing him, but not recognizing that the virus doesn’t care about his God.
I checked my Alternative Time calendar and today is… Never. So it’s all good.
turns them blonde from the inside
You know she was going to run for Governor of Arkansas, which would pit her against Hutchinson. Hutchinson may be a Republican governor of ruby red state but in interviews during this pandemic he doesn’t come off as loony as most Republican governors.
I don’t like her…
Why? We know whoever takes that position is going to lie to us. Is never ever going to apologize for Trump.
If we want even a semblance of truth moving forward then we vote.
McEnany added that Trump is “not shaming anyone” and pointed out that Trump claimed to wear a mask in private while visiting a Ford facility outside of Detroit last week.
After McEnany said that the President would be “open to it if the circumstance mandates it,” a reporter pointed out that the CDC’s guidance recommends wearing masks outside.
“The guidance is recommended but not required,” McEnany said. “It’s the personal choice of the individual, but it didn’t strike him as a very data-driven decision in that particular incidence.”
V.o: “previously on ‘The Donald Trump Show’.”