“the Biden-Burisma affair” is a fever dream … talk about flimsy.
I wonder if Bernie Sanders really wants to create a precedent to remove a sitting president without alleging any crimes?
I wonder if Joe Biden does?
The thing we NEVER learn is to not repeat what the assholes say before we try helplessly to refute it.
Lives…“UP” ???
Flaccid prick?
Here’s the Conclusion of the House’s response to the latest effusion of nonsense from the official defenders of criminal Grump:
"President Trump did not engage in this corrupt conduct to uphold the Presidency or protect the right to vote.
He did it to cheat in the next election and bury the evidence when he got caught.
He has acted in ways that prior Presidents expressly disavowed, while injuring our national security and democracy.
And he will persist in that misconduct—which he deems “perfect”—unless and until he is removed from office.
The Senate should do so following a fair trial."
Obama simply ignored GAO opinion against him in 2014.
Well done, people. Trolling ain’t working.
Your fantasy life is sort of twisted, you know.
When you’re a ragging exhibitionist it’s hard to change direction and be a good cover up artist, even if he used all the Cover Girl products on the shelf.
Nonsense. Pres. Trump enjoys the presumption of innocent until that presumption has proven to be impossible.
Bless your little heart.
That’s been proven, except in your fantasy world.
I sure hope- when Trump’s Dream Team comes up to bat- Democrats will do something with the 1998 version of Dershowitz’s Don’t-have-to-be-a-crime-to-impeach- with 2020’s Dershowitz’s Abuse-of-power isn’t a thing;thing.
This is not a judicial proceeding, and there is no presumption of innocence in the Senate rules.
Strike three for you, Snookums.
Is Ken Starr working for free?
GAO opinions do not have the force of law.
And your whataboutism has failed—as we all knew it would.
It’s a legal brief.
@thunderclapnewman, @jkrogman: don’t feed the troll
Pres. Trump was seeking an investigation of Joe Biden because he campaigned on cleaning the swamp; when has this been disproven?