This morning I watched a cat stare at a mockingbird who was engrossed with eating seed that had fallen from a feeder. That cat had the advantage and did not take it. Something is going on I tells ya…
Nope. The closest we’ve gotten to Chik-Fil-A is the lawsuit they filed against one of our crunchy granolas for printing “Eat more kale” bumper stickers and t-shirts.
I’ve never eaten there in principle, but there was a story early on about some city having trouble with their drive thru, either testing or jabbing. Someone said “Hey let’s go ask the manager at Chik-A-Fil”. They did, he solved their long line problem, and no gay people were turned away.
Isn’t it the case that the percentage of people with Covid getting blood clots is higher than the percentage of people receiving Johnson vaccines and getting blood clots? And how possible might it be for one of the unlucky people in this case to have already had Covid by the time she received the vaccine?
OMG! OMG! I can’t even think what number of disaster we’d be on right now if he had been re-elected.
I will say that the people in line a head of me all looked much older than me. Not sure if they were waiting for a site to open up closer to them, or why they hadn’t gotten their vaccine yet. The state just opened it up to everyone 16 and older last Thursday, which is my phase. And I booked this appointment 4 days after they opened up who could get vaccinated. And it was super close to my house, I didn’t have to go to another county, or drive a couple of hours, it was super easy to get to.
Government experts are concerned that doctors may not be trained to spot or treat the rare disorder if recipients of the vaccine develop symptoms. Dr. Marks said that a standard treatment for blood clots — use of an anticoagulant drug called heparin — “can actually cause tremendous harm, or the outcome can be fatal.”
Currently no guidance on how to spot the clotting issue and the standard treatment for clotting may make the situation worse.
My vaccine was administered at a CVS drug store. 20 miles from my house. I do not know why the CVS system did it that way because there is a CVS store doing the shots 3/4 of a mile from my house. But in any case I got both.
The really stupid part are the “bullet proof” spring breakers doing their super spreading now that they’ve gone home from Florida to places like Michigan… or Texas…
The CNN analysts I saw today said if you’ve had the jab a month or so ago, you’re out of the window where this could happen. It’s an immediate immune reaction, not long-term.
FWIW, I think this was the wrong call. Vaccine hesitancy is going to kill more people than a one-in-a-million blood clot. Being transparent about the data is important, but this seems like an overreaction to me. I’m not a doctor, but I can judge the social impact.
When I first saw that MO had opened up the vaccine to pretty much anyone I booked an appointment 2 hours away. I wasn’t keen on driving that far, but it was in Columbia MO, I went to college there, and then worked there are about 5 years. When I saw the location I was like “Yes, that across the highway from my old apartment,” which I moved out of in 1991. And then I saw another post for a site 15 minutes from my house.
I canceled the one in Columbia as soon as I got home from getting my jab. I just knew if I canceled it sooner then something would go wrong with the one at the closer location.
I ended up in a vaccine “gap.” VT started out opening tiers strictly by age - 75+, then 70 +, then 65+. Then for some reason they decided to open to special groups - first 55+ with health conditions, then 16+ with health conditions, then teachers, police, firefighters, daycare operators and staff of all those, then they added all the immigrants and POC before finally opening it up to the 60+ tier which is where I sit. Then I got caught in the J&J cancellation while they continued to open the appointments to 50+, 40+, and 30+ tiers. So now I’m behind a hundred thousand or so people that are decades younger than I am. Even worse, I’m only a few months shy of 65. So I got skunked at every level.
Wonder how the Germans, the British, the Swiss, the Chinese, the Russians, the Indians and even the South Africans, managed to make a vaccine without Trump pushing them.