National Economic Council Director Brian Deese emphasized on Friday the urgency of taking “decisive action” to fix the economic damage brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Have to come up with some strong messaging to counter all the Senate Republicans pulling the “we just passed some stimulus so I don’t see why we need more now” message.
Or just Nuke The Filibuster from Orbit and move on.
I liked the way Deese answered some of the questions.
Like “we just had a rescue package, why another one right away?” He basically said Congress took way too long last time and all that money was spent on what happened in the past. And it’s just catching up on what was needed already. This plan was based on money needed going forward and the number was built from the need up to the cost instead of having a number and figuring out how to spend it. (I believe that for everything but the $1400 to everyone.)
I liked Psaki on why this is a bipartisan bill though: Are you telling me unemployment isn’t a Republican priority or getting vaccine in arms or …
Remember Repubs don’t care about COVID killing people.
They may care about the economy but they are still to Trump to understand how they relate to each other.
Sharp, quick thinking. Psaki is a keeper. But it goes way past her. Look at the whole visual and ideological display they put on election day. It was beautifully choreographed. And losing the inaugural balls? No problem. Let’s put on some great musical talent, emceed by Tom Hanks, interspersed with some hardcore messaging explaining the problems we are facing. These guys are really good.
It is really too bad that the Administration does not have the ability to cut of the utilities of every Republican member of Congress. And then cancel their credit cards, repossess their cars, evict and/or foreclose on their domicile(s) and stop their paychecks. Maybe then they might start to get the idea of what way to many millions of American are experiencing . . . but I doubt it.
He is, of course, 100% correct. Joe Biden can not govern by executive order for four years. Time for Congress to get off their asses and do their job, to legislate.