WH Deploys Pence To Go After Pro-Impeachment Dems In Their Home Districts

And exactly what sort of political capital does Dense bring to this fight? Sending out Dense in this instance is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.


Ah yes, the King of Chaos. But we we all here knew this. Still, it’s good for the press to look beyond the veil occasionally.


Combine that with the developing Kurdish betrayal and likely imminent genocide beginning there…


Mike Pence is scary, like a clown in a sewer.


Yep, send out the guy who (a) has zero personality, (b) is neck deep in the same impeachment scandal that is going to take down his boss, and (c ) would be happy to light up the jeebus signal and righteously turn on said boss as soon as Mother gives him the word. That’ll work.


There are people already defending Trump on this, and blaming Obama for not dealing with Syria. Such people don’t remember that Obama asked for Use of Military Force against Syria in 2013, and Republican controlled House denied him.


Q-Tip on attack will guarantee reelection for those he’s attacking. He’s just that bad.

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You are being to kind.
He is much worse than your reply.

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Unbelievable. He really could start rounding up people in cattle cars and shipping them off to death camps and fox & friends would be cheering him on.

It’s a very sad day for this country.


This Pence?


Somehow I think the Dems in question will only benefit from this. Their threat is people reverting to baseline GOP identities: lifelong Republicans continuing to vote Republican. Pence’s presence will remind those Republicans-by-habit what the GOP has become. Spanberger, for example, would like nothing better than to have Pence to play off of. Going after these House members reeks of desperation, actually. The president should have been able to keep them on side by just avoiding any further scandal. Instead, he quadrupled down. Not surprising, if you know his history, of course, but dumb from the point of view of these seats (even setting aside,for a moment, the disastrous consequences of his corruption in itself).


Trump: “Sargent Lickspittle, do your duty!!”

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Yeah OK…send another one of the spineless defenders of criminality out to try and hoodwink the rubes into thinking ‘Yeah it’s cool to ask a foreign power to mess with our votes! Yeah.’

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Both Pence and Trumpty Dumpty can only hope that the Democrats are the “do nothing Democrats.” It is what they are doing that has the dynamic duo all in a sweet.

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Have a nice trip and don’t worry about a thing.

Donald, Bill, Mick, Stephen, and Ivanka will cover for you in DC.


When Pence said he’d do this to mollify Trump, I didn’t think he meant C11H15NO2. Yet it appears we have lift-off.


To VP Pence’s staff, "What have you guys done? Implicate in your statements it shows that the “Do Nothing” Democrats are actually “Doing” something called investigations in to HIgh Crimes at the office of the POTUS.

But I ask what have you done besides the horrible Tax Cuts benefited the oligarchs of our society.
What about the “Do Nothing” WH.


Yeah, you never know when he’s going to unleash conversion therapy onto someone.


Ditto Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), with a deployment to Iraq. Yet I don’t know how either will be able to withstand the fabled Pence charisma.


He’s probably terrified of her. Hahahaha!