As long as we don’t have to flush it 10-15 times.
Rub it in, Mr. Governor. Rub it in.
Asking for a friend: Where will this stick beating thing be held? Will it be business casual or more formal? thx
Fuck you trump
Good … now on with the show…
I’m not worried, because we’re not really reopening until there’s a President Biden.
One of these days.
The location will be private but filmed.
I’m blue collar so the dress is T-shirt and jeans.
Look, discobot deserves you undying disrespect.
Just sayin’
Your erudition has been noted and seconded. A subtle update to Cato’s phrasing if ever there was one.
V.o: “at the tone, the time will be 5:23 and 40 seconds.”
It’s 5:30 PM, do you know where your president [sic] is?
I really don’t care, do you?
No, no, no. I mean really crazy shit. I’m feeling it.
Chappaqua, NY?
A month ago today trump held a gathering in the Rose Garden to announce a marshalling of government and business resources to have a full frontal bashing of covid. Since then a few drive thru texting sites and a few days ago trump tried to close even that down. Otherwise on every other front … not a goddamned thing has been done at all by our esteemed genius. He described in home testing, drive thru testing, lots of testing, vaccines coming soon, and advice on distancing.
I got a card that was more of a campaign flyer than covid advice. I used it in my cat’s litter box. That is all trump has done. This is incompetence writ epically large.
NY and the neighboring states just announced working together to allow aspects of their economies to restart but public health is the driving factor. CA, OR, and WA just announced a similar plan to work together while keeping their own states public health as the first priority. Trump’s council of misfit toys is a joke.
Michelle Obama is on it!
West coast Governors statement per AP,
“COVID-19 has preyed upon our interconnectedness,” the three governors wrote. “In the coming weeks, the West Coast will flip the script on COVID-19 – with our states acting in close coordination and collaboration to ensure the virus can never spread wildly in our communities.”
This is good and necessary, considering who we’re dealing with in the Oval Office, but I can’t say I’m happy with the Balkanization of America. All because of Republicans.