They need to let Sarah Huck Sanders in on that action.
Hate to say it, but I agree.
Spicer had at least a vague inkling of his cowardice and venality – occasionally even looking a bit chagrined (plus the red face gave a lot away).
This one is an ice-cold liar, no remorse, no morals, no ethics.
It sure sounds like the President is trying to testify. Seems the Senate has another witness they need to call.
there is no rock bottom in the GOP
Extrajudicial killings, extortion of foreign governments? Ok. Hurting Trump branding in Turkey and China? Negatron.
Who could you get to judge it? You could get a lethal dose of meanness with those three letting go at once.
Oh, cheez, did I miss Princess Hamhocks in sequins and feathers???
Desperate Dry Drunk.
Objection, Your Honor: premise not proven. He has no sense of right and wrong–he has a sense of when the Crazy Train has gotten into treason-is-a-capital-crime-territory and it’s time to get the fuck off it!
Desperate Drunk (see above).
Isn’t that interesting that the WH has had the book since sometime in December, failed to make mention of it, hoping no one else would find out about. Now that it’s been revealed they’re doing the usual projecting crap.
Doughy Pantloads.
I doubt Bolton gave a fuck about the tactics, just the outcome: An even more weakened Ukraine lying at Russia’s feet, and with key personnel in place to bring Ukraine’s competing pipelines under russian control.
Guess what… the fix is in. trump’s team could throw turds around the Senate chamber and yell that those turds are gold and the goober side will to a person agree that, yep it’s gold alright.
The vote to convict will fall out on party lines with maybe one or two defections but not the 20 to 25 that is really needed. And that vote will signal the slow death of the American dream.
I really hate writing doom and gloom but it is fact.
Is that what we’re calling corruption now? Potential National Security?
If only Bolton had scheduled a book-signing at Mar-a-Logo, then our national security would have been safe.
I think what Bolton wants is a war with Iran that … according to his thinking … would result in American control of Iran’s many resources
They’re doing amazing things with burlap these days.
Since they always acusse other of what they are doing themselves, we can now be assured that the White House is teeming with traitors and sellouts.
And, the ordering of the book before it officially goes on sale is ramping up. Nice move Bolton, you’re a creep no matter what.
Trump is not ANYTHING. His ideology is HIM.
The GOP has followed suit, being that their ideology is Power and Suppression and the advancement of Vulture Capitalism.
A number of so-called GOP “strengths” have been trampled on over the last 30-40 years of Right Wing Assault on the United States. But they have REALLY been gutted by Trump and Trumpism.
The Party of “National Security” is doing its best to dismantle NATO and let Russia waltz into Western Europe
The Party of “Fiscal Responsibility” is hellbent on emptying the United States Treasury and amassing an insurmountable debt
The Party of “Morals”…well…I’ll let the reader finish this one
I loathe Bolton. Just like I loathe “Myth” Romney. But Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to the United States.