Weekly Unemployment Claims Skyrocket To Record 6.6 Million, Doubling Last Week’s

Gotta to make this one stick…


Yeah, if the cooked numbers look like this, imagine what the REAL numbers must be.


Excellent idea.

“Just do it!”


Interesting that you should post this now. Just yesterday, I decided to purchase a reusable mask on Etsy because I’m feeling under the weather and realized I may very well be part of the problem and not the solution. There are no surgical masks (forget about N95’s) anywhere here in Northern Brooklyn. So, I went onto Etsy to see what people were creating in response to the pandemic. After about a half hour of looking finally got one that’s reusable and has a pouch for a disposable filter that you can purchase elsewhere.

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I’m here to tell you that, with the extension yesterday of the corporate office shutdown to 30 April, I have no plans to fly my weekly round trip from Minneapolis to Milwuakee until May, even if then.

Thing is, I don’t see any of the CEOs taking a pay cut to help out - that should be a contingency.


Trump exacerbated a pandemic and crashed the economy. No POTUS could do worse. He is now the undisputed worst POTUS in history.

Trump 2020: ‘We only killed 100,000 people and lost 10 million jobs!’


“Trump Trailers” and “Trump Slump”


interesting enlight of Trump lovers have been throwing the 4 folks that died in Bengazi against Hillary trying to get it to stick and saying it’s as bad or worse than this pandemic.


This is just the beginning because there are still, right now, some States (Red) that are only now figuring out this is not a temporary problem that’s going away anytime soon. Shelter in place should have been mandatory weeks ago; they’re just getting to it now. When the horse has been out of the barn for so long, no point wishing it’ll come back anytime soon, if ever.

I heard a snippet of a doctor interviewed on one of the newscasts. Something to the effect of “For the smaller cities not seemingly affected by the virus, the only thing standing in between you and the major cities is about two weeks.”


But always remember and never forget:

He built that wall to keep us safe.[/s]

I’m gettin’ mighty tired of having to type that [/s] after everything… LOL!!!

@dickweed, don’t give him any more ideas as to how to personally profit from this.


Which is why Moscow McConnell’s attempt to stop the NEXT measure (which is sure to come) will fail.


Nothing traditional about it, that’s for sure, but i also forecast that 90% of these jobs being vacated will not come back for a long, long time. People are learning now how to do with less, and that includes employers. My estimate is not based on any reported forecast, but only my own common sense of lost revenues equaling lost buying power equaling less demand for products and services equaling less people required to produce those products and services. I don’t expect the world as we knew it to come back. In many ways, that’s a good thing because it offers us the opportunity to create a different economic system that puts people first instead of commodities. I know that’s a tall order, but those kinds of changes are the direct results of global shocks to the system that requisitely force accommodating change. That’s also what Democrats are all about. Think New Deal.



And no point in glooming about “how much ‘his Base’ sticks with him”

I remember Jimmie Jones.


Yep, I expect that will be the exact measure the REPUGS in Congress will be pushing, the “Job Creators” are hurting and we need to preserve their ability to create jobs once this is over. Of course no one, for sure not the Dems, will state that there has NEVER been a shred of evidence that those job creators have ever created a single job whenever they had been given a windfall. Just look what they did with the stimulus from the 2008 crash, stock buy back, exec raises, bonuses, etc, etc. Jobs, well they did lay off more of the worker bees.


Yes, and Mitch and his gang of cronies are terrified at the prospect. Their only backstop will be the judiciary that they been working overtime to stack…


His base was never enough for him to get reelected. It was always on the apathetic and ones who couldn’t be bothered to get angry enough to walk away. I’d say that’s changed.



Meanwhile there is this wonderful news…

If there no high efficacy vaccine to be had, everyone over the age of 65 will liklely be dead in 10 years…


Don’t expect anything about the under employed, or the numbers that have seen their hours cut. I’d also imagine many of those with hours cut will no longer quality for the employer HC coverage. More uninsured and because they are still working will not even be given the opportunity to purchase the over inflated COBRA coverage.

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