Except for the people who die if they get vaccinated. Slight downside.
There is always a small portion of the population that can’t get vaccinated due to other conditions, and has to rely on overall herd immunity to not catch things.
Except for the people who die if they get vaccinated. Slight downside.
There is always a small portion of the population that can’t get vaccinated due to other conditions, and has to rely on overall herd immunity to not catch things.
And where did Covid come from… Masks cause the virus transmission.
Back in January, we had zero cases, and zero masks.
Now we have tens or hundreds of millions of masks, and millions upon millions of cases.
My wife had a conference call about this yesterday. The hospital released some non public information that I can’t go into. This vaccine scares the shit out of me. As it relates to the title of the article, they weren’t optimistic about that and none of the ID docs were willing to sign off on the vaccine. Also, they expect something like 25% of people to be allergic to it.
Which vaccine bothers you? Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra-Zeneca?
Except in the case of a pandemic, where anything that stops the spread of the virus is worth doing as long as it doesn’t add to the carnage. That is why the approval process said a 50% efficacy level would be good enough for any COVID vaccine…fortunately, they are coming in at 90% or above and should be more effective.
Make no mistake, this isn’t over until enough Americans are vaccinated or sick to get to herd immunity. It is very likely that around 40% will refuse to take the vaccine on their own…some may be forced into it by their work or something else, but we could see large areas of the nation that won’t be vaccinated and get to herd immunity through sickness.
There’s still a large number of open questions about the vaccine and immunity, but those are secondary…we need to vaccinate as many people as possible to stop the spread of the virus and rescue the hospital system from failure. After we get there, we’ll have information about how the vaccine lasts, if we need boosters, and so on. We will be dealing with COVID for years, simply because it spread so far that knocking it down will take a long time…if we’re lucky it won’t evolve enough to get past the vaccine before it’s isolated and shut down.
Your post sounds like one of Rudy’s voter fraud affidavits that he’s been shopping around to courtrooms around the country.
May depend on which vaccine you take.
In a separate trial, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford have reported that they found fewer asymptomatic cases among people who had gotten their vaccine than in a comparison group ( SN: 11/23/20 ). That might suggest some protection against infection as well as illness.
I thought in the Asian region, that air pollution was more of a reason for masks, but I can’t say I’ve studied the topic. But there will be other American pandemics, so we should at the very least keep our masks at hand.
Well then, by all means go get your shot and go back to licking windows.
information you can’t share? Mmmmm.
SARS, Swine Flu, Covid… All come from the masked areas.
Can’t be a coincidence.
Thats what I’m worried about. Covid isnt the “big one” I’m afraid…
Until we reduce our population, the ‘big one’ will still be on the way.
Maybe we should build a really big wall, then!
Funny thing about TPM is that it’s rather a small, intimate family, with different people staying anonymous for different reasons. One of the strains of commonality between many of them is that we have a lot of retired and active experts in different fields, and a bunch of people who are in the know on things.
If it was a different poster, I’d have questions, but there are certain folks that I would definitely trust more vague statements from.
What I can’t share isn’t really important to this discussion (mostly relating to distribution strategies). If it helps, what worries me after hearing the call, is that people are going to start getting this shot, and go back to pre pandemic routines while still being fully able to spread it to folks that haven’t or can’t get the vaccine. What really concerns me, is that the spike we’re seeing right now would be a mild bump compared to what (Karens and Brads out there living their best lives) can potentially cause.
It has not been determined yet whether the current vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstroZenica, others) eliminate the initial spike of pharyngeal viral titers in the first three days after contact.
(Despite the fact that some guy upthread implied I was an antivaxxer.)
Lots of ifs, ands, or buts, for sure, but I for one will take the shots, and take them again in 6 months if needed, and every six months if I have to. Provided there is enough.
Any damn thing is better than nothing, provided it doesn’t kill me outright.