WATCH LIVE: House Voting To Impeach Trump For Inciting Capitol Insurrection Mob | Talking Points Memo

“The better angels seem to live in shiny cities on hills.”


When did Democrats break into the Capitol to kill Republicans and overthrow the Government?

Now crying they can’t Tweet.


I loved the Republican who stood up today and admitted it was an insurrection and that Trump was involved and then said, “So what?”

As I was listening to the proceeding while I cleaned the bathroom, I’m not sure if he was wearing Melanie’s green jacket saying “I don’t care. Do U?” or a Brooks Brothers suit. These conservatives have really given up any pretense of being law-abidding, patriotic Americans.

Greed and a lust for unlimited power is good? Jesus told you so? Jefferson and Adams believed it, too, when they decided there must be a peaceful transfer of power?

And Donald Trump told that Mob just a week ago that he does not. It’s sedition, incitement to rioting and treason. So what?


It says “we the undersigned” - is there a version with signatures? Or did they pull the usual Republican stunt of “you know, everybody”

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At least two things have become readily apparent through today’s hearing:

  1. The likelihood that Jim Jordan was directly and affirmatively involved in the attack on the Capitol by the insurrectionist rioters has increased dramatically.

  2. The vast majority of GOP House members are just mind-bogglingly, embarrassingly stupid people. I know that GOPers, as a rule, are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but really, GOP? THESE are your best and brightest? This motley collection of drooling, babbling, whining, simpering imbeciles who can barely put two coherent words together, much less express a single rational thought, are a blight on and an embarrassment to the institution. Good grief — what a bunch of deplorable misfits. No wonder they and the attackers identify with each other so much — who could tell them apart?


Ooooh, I like me some Ms. Bush.


This is apparently the petition they want to circulate? I guess this is the “clean” copy.

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Yep the Republicans are extremists. They seek to excuse a violent attack on the Capitol itself the likes of which have never been seen before.

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Just more time for more sorid details to come out…Bring it Mitch

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It’s particularly apparent when contrasted with the cogent, literate and even poetic comments made by the Democrats.


Ronny Jackson, threatening more unrest if Trump is held accountable as he rants and tweaking on Gym Jordan’s eight-ball.


Whataboutism is the hobgoblin of small minds.


Yes. Backing down from impeaching Trump out of fear of death is tacitly approving the assassination of those that do vote for impeachment. Who are nearly all Democrats.

That combined with other information such as: Some Congress members aided and abetted the insurgents; Two new Congress persons are members of the Qanon cult which professes that the Democrats are satanic and must be exterminated; One of those two new members carries a gun and is known to have provided information about the Speaker’s whereabouts to the insurgents during the siege makes it clear that Republicans, Congress members as well as rank and file, have moved from considering the Democrats the political opposition to considering them vermin to be exterminated.
We are in dire peril.


Trump’s assurances of a peaceful transfer of power in these next seven days ring so hollow after the last seven days.

When someone shows you who they are believe it.


Wait, I thought he was “silenced”??


“This is not a serious place.”

Then leave.


As always, the proper response to that is “Fuck 'em.”

I’d love to see him stutter through that.


Intel, too, while we’re at it…

Still out here in small town Oregon, too. Also, our internet cable blew down, so I am running off my phone. Damn you, First World Problems!


“I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers” – Donald Trump “statement”

Then resign.