Washington Sheriff Declares He Won’t Enforce Inslee’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Order | Talking Points Memo

Cool. Leave your gun and badge on the desk, Fife.


Sheriff Bob Songer, you’re no Joe Arpaio!!

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Why? That would double the population just with the state patrol coming for him.

There is something to be said for human sacrifice, though, and they already have a scaled model of stone henge…


Washington State, Snohomish County Sheriff Fortney has made a similar statement and taken the same position. He’s a serious nutjob, tats, tough guy, Trumper, ulta-rightwing jackboot dishonest, all the ‘normal’ neo-nazi characteristics, white supremacist,supported by ‘local’ AM radio Rush Limbaugh network, ran a Trump-like campaign last November smearing and lying about the incredibly good Sheriff and won.

Now, a recall petition has started to get him out. Unfing believable. He rehired several deputies that were fired by the previous sheriff for serious violations, including illegal searches, planted evidence, ran the team that shot an unarmed defenseless citizen using Gestapo like force. He’s a serious threat to all of Snohomish county.


And like this county, Snohomish county is drive through only. I mean, I didn’t even know people actually lived there…

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“If the point is to have people move out of the county or stop using drugs, I don’t think that it would make an impact,”

Haha…of course not…and it’s not intended to. It’s nothing but him using his office’s funds to increase his name recognition and advertise himself politically in preparation for running for re-election.


Need to crack down on this shit before it takes off. Send in the State troopers to arrest him.

With any luck, he’ll resist.


Inslee should send in the WSP and arrest this sheriff and throw him in jail. We cannot permit LEA people to ignore lawful orders in the public interest. If he gets away with it, others, including civilians, will believe they can get away with it and the pandemic will come roaring back. It is not his decision to make. Throw his dumb ass in jail in a very high profile way.


And complaining about the pot stores. I don’t think they have any, but I don’t feel like looking it up.


Are we adjusting for weight or not?


Washington state legalized marijuana a few years ago. So does this mean that the sheriff doesn’t want to enforce the law and still harass growers and users?


Um, Snohomish county is the northern part of the Seattle metropolitan area. The estimated population is 882,000. That’s not exactly a drive through.


He is of below average weight for the region. And age.


And let’s not forget that it’s a big dogwhistle of “stay out, darkies!!!” because you and I both know that when they say “drug users” that’s who they mean, even though their favorite sons SteveBob and Jethro are running around with 3 teeth and meth sores.


Well, gol-durn, eye thank eye’ll jus’ moov m’self ta sowth Wushin’ton, buhy me a bran’ spankin’ noo berzookee an’ rayze riteeous ehch-eee-double-hockey-sticks aginst them thar unkonstuhtooshunal guv’mint folk, an’ if’n thut don’ werk owt, skeedaddle too Eyeduhoe whar pin-haiyeds ahr romin’ free!

Jesus, save me. Save us all from these ignoramuses.


But lemme guess…spot-on average complexion?


Never had the opportunity to ask him :wink:

Doesn’t seem like he’s the finest legal scholar out there. So you know, probably. He could always threaten to call in the feds on a grower.


The current population estimate for the whole of Klickitat Co. is 22,425. That works out to about 12 people per square mile. This knob has probably run unopposed for sheriff for decades, because absolutely no one else gives a shit about the job. He is exactly the kind of person you’d guess he was looking at the picture: all hat and no cattle. I doubt the folks in Klickitat County take him any more seriously than we do… or Governor Inslee does for that matter.


I don’t think so, honestly. Not saying he is not racist, he certainly is and I would hate to be a native or Hispanic member of his community. But there just aren’t enough black people for that to make sense.

More likely he is complaining about the kids who go to college around there driving through. My brother and I went to Whitman in Walla Walla. He was driving his girlfriend’s (now wife) car with California plates through Goldendale. He was stopped for going three miles an hour over the speed limit. The officer was pissed that his license said “Washington.”


Thanks for noting that. I didn’t realize it! That makes me so sad, actually. That so many people are willing to vote for someone so stupid.

I know, I know, I live in Matt Shea’s district…