Since Adelson has vast business interests in Macau and Israel he’s essentially funneling illegal foreign money into U.S. elections.
He also runs the only non union hotel in Las Vegas yet praises Israeli unions. Supports candidates who want to toss 32 million Americans off of health insurance yet is a big fan of the Israeli health care system which is a hybrid of public and private and insures everyone. When he meets his maker the devil himself ought to give extra pokes with his fork.
Isn’t Adelson supposed to be on his deathbed? He’s getting good healthcare somewhere.
Agree totally. I’m honestly happy with either Sanders (ducks) or Warren, but I want both of them in the fight as long as possible.
Warren clearly hasn’t been well-served by her campaign staff. All that two-stepping around the MFA funding was awful. Next time someone asks her how she’s going to pay for something she should just say, “I’ll let you know when you hold the other candidates to the same scrutiny.” (Or she can just point them to her fabulous new website.)
it would be great if Warren got off her ‘rich people are bad’ soap box and talked about stuff Americans actually care about… some rich people are S.O.B.s and so are some poor people…i can only speak for myself…but i would love to be rich…she got really excited last night…flitting around like a chicken with its head cut off.
So, I see Warren has found another target. After slaying Bloomberg last night she’s turning into a serial killer who targets milquetoast white billionaires. Good
I’m a big fan of Sen. Warren, but what reason do you see for thinking she would be especially noteworthy in helping to carry downballot races? I can see Bernie dragging down the Senate race in, for example, Iowa, but I doubt Warren would have any kind of unique coattails herself.
I’m afraid I have to agree. But which one do you think has coattails?
None of them, at least not more than the average winning presidential candidate does.
Now, see that … is that really “healthy online behavior”?
College-educated women, anyone?
That is a very good ad.
Adelson is as repulsive as Trump. And as corrupt, even though President Crook is in a better position for it.
My wife turned to me last night after the debate and said exactly that!
They’re already baked into the electoral pie for 2020.
I guess I should explain my thinking on coattails. For it to apply, you have to have a candidate so popular that it will juice your side’s turnout while depressing the other side. I doubt that’s going to happen here, because both sides are going to turn out like the fate of the nation is on the ballot (which it is).
Hmmm, I’m gonna’ have to give the mathematics of that one some thought. But isn’t it true that College-educated women have historically voted Republican, especially in the suburbs? Anecdotally, I know a number of my former students who in any other cycle would lean Republican are leaning Dem now.
Warren did very well last night. She picked a great time to up her game because last night’s debate set a record for viewers:
NBC News and MSNBC set records on Wednesday night by drawing a massive 19.6 million viewers with their Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, Nevada.
According to Nielsen data, the debate from NBC, MSNBC and The Nevada Independent was the most watched yet, scoring top ratings in the 25-54 demographic and 13.5 million livestream viewers to boot.
That was true for a long time among college educated white women. But it’s switched over time. There’s a good article on how that came about here:
Fuck I love seeing this. Because before Trump showed up I think this shitbag was at the top of my hate list.
If Liz is going to pull a knife on Adelson, he really should be on that page. Sadly, he isn’t.
Warren reminds me of Lisbeth Salander the kick ass and very smart woman in Stieg Larrson`s psycho thrillers.
She`s not pleased with old pasty pudgy misogynistic white guys in suits.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor , literally “Men who hate women”)
During the debate she essentially tattooed Bloomy.
I did not know that translation of the book title but it sure fits. The Ami remake is better than most but I highly recommend the orginnal with Michael Nyqvist and Noomi Rapace.
So yeah … Go Lizbeth!
Melania received an award from Palm Beach Atlantic University yesterday, That was the occasion for her comment. She really doesn’t care, do you?