Two days before the last Democratic presidential debate prior to the Iowa caucuses next month, drama appears to have unexpectedly emerged between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
Why be surprised that a fake Democrat trashes Democrats? It’s been Bernie’s shtick for decades now. “The Democrats can’t be trusted! Trust me because I’m an official Democrat for at least 10 months out of every 48!”
Really - they told us so; last time we went through this with a woman candidate.
The plain truth is that we have a base: African American voters. When they turn out, we win. They are lined up behind Joe Biden and that doesn’t look to be changing or changeable.
I’m so sick of Bernie’s antics and making unrealistic promises. I’ve done a TON of research on Medicare for All and there is virtually no single payer system like it on the planet that covers every possible part of medical care with no patient costs. There are always factors such as private insurance, out of pocket costs, and coverage gaps that exist in every Single Payer system to help contain costs. The only country I can find that covers everything is Cuba, but doctors are only paid $40 a month there (not joking).
Also, even though Bernie brings up Cosmetic Surgery Insurance a lot as a private market that can still be intact by M4All, it isn’t a viable industry and isn’t something patients can buy, only doctors can buy it and they have to give it to all of their patients.
Being aware of my own disputatious streak I try not to start up about Bernie every time he’s mentioned but JFC old man if you can’t recognize the importance of the historical moment and cut this shit out then drop dead. Fuck.
I wish they would. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s still my favorite movie phrase: Gregory Peck in Mirage: “If you don’t stand for something, you’re just taking up space!”
Sanders is not willing to stand with the Democratic Party. He doesn’t seem to understand the nuances of political alliances to work for change from within. The only thing that drives him is to be President, and he knows that won’t happen as an Independent. So he puts his ‘independence’ to the side when it might lead to him fulfilling his lifelong dream. That’s not the kind of leader this country needs.
what we’re seeing isn’t a new attack, but its something that Warren has to address soon. SC is likely lost to both, but if this tactic works in Iowa, it might work in Nevada.
According to a Politico report Sunday morning, a Sanders campaign script instructs volunteers to tell voters who are leaning toward voting for Warren that the “people who support her are highly-educated, more affluent people who are going to show up and vote Democratic no matter what” and that “she’s bringing no new bases into the Democratic Party.”
First, I’d be slightly dubious of Politico’s reporting in the best of times. Secondly, is saying that Sanders is more likely to bring new voters to the Democrats really qualify as an attack?*
Not that any of this will stop folks from getting the vapors…
O, FFS matt. Have you never heard snipping during a primary far more corrosive than this “attack”?
But some of Clinton’s most memorable ‘08 shots at Obama have had resonance far beyond the short shelf life of the standard campaign hit parade: her mockery of his vow to transform Washington in his own image, her cry of “elitism” and her skepticism about his managerial chops echo today in the form of GOP attacks and the lingering doubts of some in his own party.
Yes, sometimes people actually do attack other candidates in the primary. I am surprised that your full umbrage has not heretofore been triggered.
Now I’m off to see 1917 I imagine there might be some attacks portrayed there.
Bernie has never ever been a team player. Bernie is for himself. I was not happy when I saw that the Democratic Party had taken him in this election cycle.